Outdoor Wi-Fi Solution in Your Future?

Is an outdoor Wi-Fi solution in your future? Modern Sensor-to-Server (S2S) communication networks call for high-speed solutions that support massive amounts of data collection, control and transport. Today, industrial organizations are experiencing high demand for voice, video, data and sensor (VVDS) information in wireless outdoor networks. The challenge is finding Wi-Fi networks that can ensure connectivity in outdoor environments that are often volatile and unpredictable. The good news — robust, secure outdoor Wi-Fi hotspot platforms designed for shorthaul communications enable a variety of data collection options that can withstand the harshest outside elements. Reputable outdoor Wi-Fi networks can leverage multiple networking protocols and services. They are designed to meet the needs of enterprise-scale communications across a wide range of critical infrastructure industries like oil and gas, utilities, mining, municipalities, perimeter security, disaster recovery, and outdoor recreation. Keep in mind this is just snapshot of the industries that can benefit from Wi-Fi – there are numerous applications in just about any outdoor Internet of Things (IoT) network. Outdoor Wi-Fi | Real-life Scenario Recently, an electric power company based out of North Carolina needed to transition the Direct Load Control (DLC) switches for its residential load management program. The transition affected 275 air conditioning (AC) units across two rooftops at a residential senior living community. WavePro (WP201) shorthaul point-to-point and Wi-Fi platform units were used to enable the transition. In this instance, Wi-Fi was leveraged to increase the Load Management System’s (LMS) effectiveness by creating two-way communications to switch monitoring and control, instead of the previous one-way paging system that was in place. A local internet service provided communications from the LMS to a rooftop Internet Point of Presence (PoP). Additional solutions, including Wi-Fi enabled controllers and Wi-Fi access points (four WavePro Units) were selected for the installation.  The WavePro units were configured to solve three communication requirements in the Wi-Fi network: wireless communications between the controllers and a WP201; wireless communications between the four WP201s on the two rooftops; and communication between one WP201 and the single Internet PoP. The completed Wi-Fi solution enabled real-time communication between the LMS and each of the HVAC controllers on the two residential towers. The energy company can now effectively manage and confirm power curtailment events in real time. Win a WavePro Network You have a chance to win your own WavePro high-speed outdoor Wi-Fi network. Simply provide your application needs and tell us why you should win. Move fast —the contest ends this Friday, September 30. WavePro Features: IP67 rating to withstand extreme environmental conditions Advanced dual-band 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz capabilities that can cut through noise and congestion with band steering Self-discovery and self-healing mesh networking guarantee reliability Up to 1.3 Gbps broadband speeds deliver real-time Voice, Video, Data and Sensor links (VVDS™) Enter now: http://bit.ly/2czghui

IoT Top News: A Sensor Driven World

Much of the world around us is becoming driven by sensors, where we are able to track and map numerous possibilities with countless M2M and IoT solutions. So, we wanted to highlight some of the trending use applications of sensors today. The Army is looking at installing sensors to their combat soldiers The Army is looking for a way to better track the health and well-being of their soldiers in combat, and current health fitness sensors have too many irregular findings. Jennings Brown with Vocativ informs us that “The United States Department of Defense is interested in monitoring the health of soldiers in real-time.”   Although it is interesting to see Army uses of sensors. One must ask how sensors impact the industry at large? IoT is responsible for propelling sensors further into our world. Recent findings from ABI Research show that you can’t have one without the other — meaning, as we continue to explore the numerous IoT and M2M solutions it is only natural that we also see a dramatic increase in sensors used across the board. Peter Clarke with EET Asia reports, “ABI Research reckons sensors and peripherals will be 65 percent of an installed base of 47 billion units by 2021, double the 2016 level.”   The latest IoT Sensors Market Report for 2015-2023 sheds light on the global growth of sensors. An increased demand for sensors is expected to impact the industrial and automotive IoT sectors according the the recent ReportBuyer’s IoT Sensors Market research. Electronic News has shared the latest  findings from the ReportBuyer’s IoT Sensors Market 2015-2023 report which states, ” There will be a number of opportunities for the global IoT sensors market. One such opportunity is the increasing development of ‘smart cities’ around the world. IoT sensors will need to be used in aspects such as smart meters, smart grids, intelligent traffic management systems and smart packing, among others.”   Sensors are being used in both industrial and consumer IoT applications across the board. As technology improves, it is now easier to create higher quality sensors for a fraction of the cost, opening the doors for more industrial and consumer IoT applications. Mary Catherine O’Connor with IoT Journal believes that with the growth of IoT sensor applications,  That means there is a big opportunity for systems integrators in this market. There may also be an opportunity for companies that develop their own sensor-integration capabilities. It will be fascinating to watch the market develop.”   With that said, we can’t forget to realize that implementation of any IoT sensors will require a sensor-2-server plan, that will ensure the data makes it safely in real-time to the intended end-user.

IT Security Dynamics and the Industrial IoT

The quest to understand production and operational factors, distribute this information to business systems and people within an organization, and directly improve business processes and profitability as a result is not new. In fact, it has been embraced by companies for decades. This collection of operational information for use in information or business systems is known as IT/OT convergence. Getting IT and OT systems to work together to maximize business efficiency — while avoiding negative consequences, risks and pitfalls in the process — is a tall task. However, thanks to new technologies, this process is becoming more practical and is creating the opportunities for huge economic benefits when these two disciplines are successfully integrated. But, how does this convergence affect the security paradigm in large, geographically dispersed enterprises? Let’s Talk Security Traditionally, companies have a corporate firewall that divides the corporate IT space from OT space. With an Internet of Things (IoT) communications network, there is a need to protect the sensors and new applications on the OT side. However, even if there is a secure communication link, if the individual devices that are connected on the OT side become compromised and the threat has access to that communication link, a hacker can push malicious data, cause denial of service (DoS), or introduce malware or viruses to the entire network. There are many of ways to run into problems on the IoT front if companies are not careful in their network design security implementation. On the IT side, corporate network security typically sees many threats. Those threats require significant attention, and consequently IT organizations have numerous options and tools to use, such as intrusion detection, log monitoring, network behavior monitoring, network inspections, whitelisting, firewalls, and more. The IT space has a much different attack surface than OT because with an IT network, the company can physically secure the building and control where the data goes in and out. Data escaping the building is relatively small in comparison to the OT space. WiFi that is leaking outside the building could be a vulnerability, but there are tools and ways to lock down that type of threat, and checkpoints where the IT department can analyze the traffic going through the network. In IT, bandwidth is plentiful and the network overhead associated with security is generally not a major factor. Considering Industrial IoT Networks IIoT networks, on the other hand, can span many miles with potentially hundreds of thousands of data points. An IIoT network likely consists of small embedded devices with long lifespans, making it very efficient. However, they are generally not like the Windows operating system, which is consistently conducting massive updates. Some embedded technologies don’t allow any updates, making it essential to carefully select the best devices for a network. Having thousands of these edge devices is where organizations will begin to see IT/OT convergence – many more points in the field where threats could be coming into the IT network. Industrial organizations today are creating a connected infrastructure with IP-enabled sensors or IP/IIoT-enabled Access Gateways. The data generated by sensors at an asset location can be valuable to more than just the central control system. This might mean M2M communication with sensors talking directly to each other. It may mean that multiple systems consume the live, real-time sensor data directly from the field. It may even mean that operators connect their sensors directly to the cloud or other back office systems. If there is a way to share critical data while addressing security issues that can help provide information to key data users, then that information becomes increasingly valuable. Security Through Obscurity is Not a Solution IIoT solutions often utilize the widely deployed security technologies from the Internet to avoid the custom, one-off solutions of past industrial security, when it was used at all. IP technology makes it easier to deploy and talk to sensors, but it also makes it easier for intruders to see and snoop on valuable data streams. Security through obscurity is not a solution. There are many common attack vectors for industrial devices that become even more relevant when considering the IIoT infrastructures and fully networked, geographically dispersed projects.

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