Outdoor Wi-Fi Solution in Your Future?

Is an outdoor Wi-Fi solution in your future? Modern Sensor-to-Server (S2S) communication networks call for high-speed solutions that support massive amounts of data collection, control and transport. Today, industrial organizations are experiencing high demand for voice, video, data and sensor (VVDS) information in wireless outdoor networks. The challenge is finding Wi-Fi networks that can ensure connectivity in outdoor environments that are often volatile and unpredictable. The good news — robust, secure outdoor Wi-Fi hotspot platforms designed for shorthaul communications enable a variety of data collection options that can withstand the harshest outside elements. Reputable outdoor Wi-Fi networks can leverage multiple networking protocols and services. They are designed to meet the needs of enterprise-scale communications across a wide range of critical infrastructure industries like oil and gas, utilities, mining, municipalities, perimeter security, disaster recovery, and outdoor recreation. Keep in mind this is just snapshot of the industries that can benefit from Wi-Fi – there are numerous applications in just about any outdoor Internet of Things (IoT) network. Outdoor Wi-Fi | Real-life Scenario Recently, an electric power company based out of North Carolina needed to transition the Direct Load Control (DLC) switches for its residential load management program. The transition affected 275 air conditioning (AC) units across two rooftops at a residential senior living community. WavePro (WP201) shorthaul point-to-point and Wi-Fi platform units were used to enable the transition. In this instance, Wi-Fi was leveraged to increase the Load Management System’s (LMS) effectiveness by creating two-way communications to switch monitoring and control, instead of the previous one-way paging system that was in place. A local internet service provided communications from the LMS to a rooftop Internet Point of Presence (PoP). Additional solutions, including Wi-Fi enabled controllers and Wi-Fi access points (four WavePro Units) were selected for the installation.  The WavePro units were configured to solve three communication requirements in the Wi-Fi network: wireless communications between the controllers and a WP201; wireless communications between the four WP201s on the two rooftops; and communication between one WP201 and the single Internet PoP. The completed Wi-Fi solution enabled real-time communication between the LMS and each of the HVAC controllers on the two residential towers. The energy company can now effectively manage and confirm power curtailment events in real time. Win a WavePro Network You have a chance to win your own WavePro high-speed outdoor Wi-Fi network. Simply provide your application needs and tell us why you should win. Move fast —the contest ends this Friday, September 30. WavePro Features: IP67 rating to withstand extreme environmental conditions Advanced dual-band 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz capabilities that can cut through noise and congestion with band steering Self-discovery and self-healing mesh networking guarantee reliability Up to 1.3 Gbps broadband speeds deliver real-time Voice, Video, Data and Sensor links (VVDS™) Enter now: http://bit.ly/2czghui

Seismic Shift in IIoT Monitoring

There’s been a seismic shift in monitoring earthquakes via the  Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) with advanced Machine-to-Machine (M2M) technology have reshaped the industrial communication industry. Every device or machine along the network, even at the outermost edge, now has the opportunity to be fully-connected for automated collection and delivery of information. As Sensor-2-Server (S2S) communication technology evolves to keep up with the demand for this connectivity paradigm, new efficiencies are created and Big Data is available to drive actionable intelligence. Seismic Shift Data that Saves Lives The sheer quantity of available data, combined with the speed of automation can support mission critical applications that are designed to save lives. Research centers can leverage IoT networks to relay critical data in real-time from areas where earthquakes are a common threat to people living nearby. While natural events like earthquakes and volcanos are not avoidable or fully predictable, an IoT network can potentially help reduce the level of devastation through close, reliable seismic monitoring via highly sensitive and advanced sensor technology. S2S communications monitor and send data from remote areas where Earth changes are first detected, to the monitoring authorities who are closely tracking seismic activity. S2S solutions leveraged for early detection of these events can enable authorities to warn citizens in advance to take appropriate precautionary measures. When robust, rapid, real-time monitoring is combined with effective emergency communications, human casualties can be significantly decreased. Seismic Shift and the Ever Changing Landscape IoT has been adopted at such a rapid pace that the demand for modern, sophisticated communication technology is driving constant changes in remote, industrial communication networks that will further advance applications like seismic monitoring. These changes have clearly disrupted the traditional Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) market. While SCADA systems are not obsolete, industries like environmental monitoring will continue to leverage new technologies designed to help seismologists make more informed decisions than with just SCADA alone. Now, network operators can evolve and adapt their monitoring programs over time through the IoT with edge devices that allow third-party software applications to be deployed network-wide. This has not only opened new doors for software developers, but it opens up the opportunity for advancements in environmental monitoring to further improve natural event monitoring. Fast and accurate data transport from the sensor networks in seismic monitoring therefore requires robust and reliable technology that doesn’t fail in remote and sometimes harsh environments. RF technology, for example, is advancing to help field crews make intelligent decisions and closely monitor the elements that can help delivery early warning for natural events. Find us at JavaOne this Week

Thinking Outside the Box with Sensor-2-Server Applications

When we talk about Sensor-2-Server (S2S) applications, we tend to lean towards examples of common industrial communication networks for industries like oil and gas, utilities and municipalities. These application solutions typically incorporate the transfer of data from edge devices back to a specific server for use cases such as pump and tank monitoring or SCADA systems. However, as Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications transform alongside the adoption of the Internet of Things(IoT), the types of applications that require connectivity at the edge are virtually endless. If we step back and look at the big picture, it is clear the entire landscape of technology is changing. With these changes we foresee the decline of standalone RF technology. Decision makers need Big Data in to make intelligent decisions that will transform their business operations and save them time and money. S2S communication networks are designed to address this challenge by driving intelligent transmissions from a specific location back to the appropriate server with the necessary intelligence to drive action for change. As technology evolves to meet industry demands, RF technology must adapt to meet new needs. We’re already seeing this happen in the industrially hardened, wireless communications industry. Some wireless IoT communication solutions providers are offering platforms to host third-party applications in addition to creating the communication links for devices. Sensor-2-Server Solution Along with this widespread technology change, we have begun to see new and exciting ways that modern RF technology solutions can be leveraged in an S2S network. Here are some nontraditional real-life examples of S2S applications: S2S communications to connect satellite communication dishes in remote locations where there is little to no cell coverage. The solutions extend communications and create a single POC for all of the remote locations. Monitoring cold storage food at distribution centers for a large US Supermarket chain where the cold storage warehouses are 500 feet X 500 feet and are located several hundred feet away from the monitoring room. RTK base station communications to improve data and correlation for an Electric Car manufacturer. Remote access to GPS Stations for improved data transfer in order to complete ocean mapping. Irrigation control on golf courses. For most industrial organizations there is a clear push towards complete connectivity from the sensors at the edge of the network all the way back to the central server. We often talk about data collection for familiar applications in oil and gas, utilities and smart cities. However, the reality of today’s technology transformation is that any industrial communication network, regardless of the industry, will likely need to connect its edge devices and eventually program its edge through third party applications in order to take the most cost effective approach and drive intelligent operational decisions.

All Aboard the IoT Railway

In many parts of the world, rail represents a major component of infrastructure – for the transportation of both humans and goods. In fact, railways are critical to some of the major industries like oil and gas, agriculture, and food refrigeration/transport. Much like those industries have, over the years, adopted automated, machine-to-machine (M2M) technology, railroads have similarly deployed more advanced technology over the years as well. Railways began the “automation” process by adding Automatic Equipment Identification (AEI) tags back as early as 1989. These sensors track the specific item tagged, but they have no way of knowing how the train is operating as a whole. Companies also began deploying RFID tags to track goods being transported along the different lines. The AEI sensors could provide information on the rail car and would interact with the various readers along the route. The additional sensors were great for location awareness, but still lacked the ability to monitor all the moving parts on the train. Still, with these two initial steps, the early stages of Internet of Things (IoT) technology began to come into focus for the railroad industry. IoT Railway Solution The rail industry needed a way to develop a more intelligent infrastructure that enabled Sensor-2-Server (S2S) data transmission via a network of Wi-Fi and voice, video, data and sensor control systems. Due to the massive amount of data collection a system like this would develop, railways are now developing a fully digital service that is directed toward centralized facilities capable of aggregating data from different sources and streams and analyzing that data in real-time. For instance, today, railroad sensors monitor everything from rail car and locomotive health, to track conditions, air temperatures, stress gauges and component conditions. Having a centralized system allows operators to take that data being collected  and use it to develop predictive maintenance practices; that is, the ability to predict when a section of rail or a specific component is in need of repair or near failure. Predictive maintenance is only one component of IoT integration for the rail industry, but it is one that can potentially transform practices across the board, ultimately saving companies time and money – valuable elements for an industry centered on logistics. Across the pond, the University of Huddersfield’s Institute of Railway Research has found that tracks can be monitored with inexpensive sensors set to operate by the vibrations of oncoming trains. According to the research, the sensors will still operate if one of the sensors is damaged, because of a built-in fail-safe. These sensors are projected to detect both approaching trains and the real-time conditions of the track. Adding an IoT network to trains can help improve safety and efficiency with traffic congestion, monitoring and control speed. Even the non-critical business operations have the ability to operate efficiently on the train with the help of modern sensors. Beyond rail sensor networks, there is also the consideration of the passengers as well. If railroads can implement Wi-Fi networks on passenger cars, passengers will be able to receive travel updates, railroad companies can develop specific apps for their travelers, and riders can enjoy the utility of internet in areas that previously lacked service. Although rail remains largely an industrial consideration in the United States, the growth of IoT technology available to the greater industry bodes well for the continued development of this infrastructure around the world.

Emergency Response From Sensor-2-Server

Emergency response agencies are adding Sensor-2-Server (S2S) communication technologies to their tool belt, thus changing the way our local municipalities operate. As we head in the direction of a more connected world through the Internet of Things (IoT), we see increased efficiencies within our cities and local government operations. For example, municipalities can leverage S2S technology for monitoring and control of their traffic management systems to improve flow of traffic to support community growth or pain points within the local traffic infrastructure. These Smart City types of applications also extend into emergency response. Large scale emergency situations and natural disasters often lead to disabled or overloaded cell towers and disconnected Wi-Fi. When all forms of communication are severed, first responders face the challenge of conducting rescue efforts with extremely limited visibility into identifying which locations require immediate help and conditions of the affected locations. If local government or municipalities leverage Smart City applications to stay online during emergency and disaster recovery situations, response times increase, risk decreases and lives can be saved. A Sensor-2-Server (S2S) solution robust enough to maintain communications during worst case scenarios will provide a mission critical communication link that keeps responders connected. Further, solutions that support voice, video, data and sensor (VVDS) information can aid in complete, accurate assessment during the emergency as well as detailed follow-up after emergencies and disasters are over. Finding a New Solution for Emergency Response Secure wireless communications are a key component to successful emergency response and disaster recovery for Smart Cities. With technology specifically built for harsh outdoor, industrial locations and proven to perform under the most extreme environmental conditions, local governments and municipalities can create emergency response and disaster recovery protocols that would significantly reduce collateral damage. Wireless shorthaul communications solutions with robust Wi-Fi links support VVDS, giving responders a substantial advantage during emergency situations. In a situation where every moment counts, having that connection could make the difference in saving someone’s life. Benefits of Leveraging S2S Solutions with Emergency Response Agencies Functioning even when power outages are plaguing a city, there are a number of ways a Sensor-2-Server type of network can be leveraged by the local government: ⇒ Reduce Risks Significantly reduce the risk of injury for firefighters and first responders. By leveraging video, responders can examine and assess damage after a weather-related incident without having to enter unsafe buildings or areas. ⇒ Assess the Situation Streamline the post disaster assessment by first responders from all directions and relay critical information to headquarters. By leveraging voice and video capabilities responders get an accurate assessment of a situation from every angle and create a faster, safer evaluation than a manual process. ⇒ Increase Response Time When communication networks are down, emergency crews can leverage the secure wireless edge network. Emergency crews can respond faster because messages and instructions are relayed via VVDS rather than manually. ⇒ Protected Data Keep unwanted parties out of the network. Leverage secure encryption capabilities to prevent data hijacking and increase network security. Some solutions will offer a secure, dedicated channel for emergency communications that does not interfere with tactical plans. When a municipality becomes a Smart City, first responders can be highly effective and are better able to protect themselves from the dangerous situations they face. As S2S communications shape the future of municipal communication networks, voice and video can be incorporated into the network. With this new, rich data, emergency management teams can enhance their emergency response protocol and improve emergency planning.

Friday Top 5 IIoT News Roundup

It’s time to nominate our Friday top five Industrial IoT news articles of the week. Much like the weather in Boulder this week, we couldn’t decide on just one vertical focus, so we cast a wide net of IoT topics. In this week’s roundup, you’ll find a splash of fog computing, manufacturing, smart grid, security and overall IoT updates. Dive in and see if you agree with our picks. Don’t miss the Friday bonus at the end of this short roundup. Making fog computing sensors clearly reliableBy @Patrick_Mannion | Published on @ednmagazinehttp://www.edn.com/design/sensors/4442602/Making-fog-computing-sensors-clearly-reliable“As fog computing rolls in, the onus is upon designers to figure out how much intelligence should be at each node of the system for optimal performance. This implies then that sensors will need to start being more intelligent, with some level of built-in processing, storage, and communications capability.”  Army needs wide-area electro-optical sensors for manned and unmanned aircraftBy @jkeller1959 | Published on @IntelligentAerohttp://www.intelligent-aerospace.com/articles/2016/08/ia-wami-sensors.html“Army researchers are interested in moderate-resolution persistent-surveillance electro-optical sensors that operate during the day and at night over large areas to detect vehicles and people on foot. Researchers want to develop a sensor that consists of an imaging sensor, as well as a storage and processing unit.”  Five essential IIoT DefinitionsBy @MMS_MattDanford | Published on @MMSOnlinehttp://www.mmsonline.com/blog/post/5-essential-iiot-definitions-“The idea is not just to exchange and collect data, but to act on that data to make things better. (One commonly cited example is a “smart” thermostat.) IIoT is the same concept applied to industry. Examples range from “smart” buildings and power grids to “smart” transportation networks. IIoT might initially take the form of a machine tool status monitoring system.”  What makes a grid smart?By David Shadle | Published on @tdworldmaghttp://tdworld.com/grid-opt-smart-grid/what-makes-grid-smart“My point, however, is that the critical consideration is not the number of sensors, controls or data storage components we add to our system when we decide to move ahead with smart grid applications. The focus also needs to be on mastering the integration of these systems, many times across traditional IT and OT lines, to allow them to achieve their potential for intelligence.”  Top ten security predictions through 2020By @Gartner_inc | Published on @Forbeshttp://www.forbes.com/sites/gartnergroup/2016/08/18/top-10-security-predictions-through-2020/#4d8ba8073cbe“Through 2018, more than 50% of Internet of Things (IoT) device manufacturers will not be able to address threats from weak authentication practices.”  Friday Bonus! FreeWave Technologies announces partnership with Solis Energy By @SolisEnergy and @freewavetech | Published on @SolarNovus http://www.solarnovus.com/freewave-technologies-announces-partnership-with-solis-energy_N10256.html “Both companies are excited about the partnership and are already working through high profile opportunities to take advantage of the growing demand for smart systems and industrial connectivity.”

App Development for the Industrial IoT

According to sources, a staggering 5.5 million new devices are connected daily to an increasingly crowded IoT space with an estimated 6.4 billion devices currently “connected.” By 2020, Gartner is predicting as much as 25 billion things will be connected. A lot of the value that both people and companies will derive from these devices heavily depends upon interoperability, which places an emphasis on app development. When we say IoT , the term”things,” generally focuses on a group of devices large or small that can be connected wirelessly by sensors to the internet, each other and or the main base station. Chunka Mui with Forbes believes that, “The Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical objects imbued with information and communications technologies. It brings together many of the key technologies that will make or break every information intensive company.”   App development for the Industrial IoT vs. consumer IoT We are use to finding new apps for our phones, smart homes and cars, but what about industrial applications? Contrary to what you might think, Industrial IoT app development surpasses the consumer side when it comes to compensation. In fact the Industrial IoT global market is projected to reach $319 billion dollars by 2020. Unlike their consumer counterparts, Industrial IoT may not come with out-of-the-box, ready to launch applications, and may require various modifications depending on the industry. The focus for Industrial development has been in translating big data in real-time with the use of Sensor-2-Server solutions. More reasons developers should jump on the Industrial IoT app train A few of the top reasons to develop applications for Industrial IoT are as follows: A chance to change your town–by assisting municipalities in becoming smarter cities; allowing you to create your vision–along with 18.5 million professional developers around the globe designing data capture analytics that can be translated in the digital ecosystem; and finally to open up the channel of revenues with the $235 billion dollars annually spent on IoT services. Today, a developer wanting to dive into this untapped market can start by leveraging the developer community sites with Github, Predix, or Intel’s hub to name a few. Jennifer Riggins with Programmable Web reminds us that, “The most important way to prepare yourself for the Industrial Internet of Things is to stay inquisitive.” After understanding the need for these complex industrial applications, the next challenge lies in cultivating best practices to replicate success within industry 4.0. Although the market is primed for the developer picking, it will still take trial and error, as it does with any new technology to fine tune more of an industrial application engine. As more resources (and opportunities) become available to the app development community, scalability is going to be the linchpin for enterprise deployments. Think of the value created if a municipality or energy company, for example, could deploy applications to hundreds of devices that reside at the outermost layer of an IT network.

The Glue that Holds Our “Connected” Dreams Together

Image courtesy of Flickr Creative Commons The visage of our “smart” or “connected” destiny is often presented to us in broad strokes: self-driving vehicles, connected homes, logistics, wearables – the list continues on with each piece of evolving and maturing technology. Smart cities have a bright future, and the application possibilities seem expansive, but often lost in the conversation is the technology that actually enables the connected world. Within a smart city – or even at a micro level – within one specific industry deploying smart technology, are a wide range of considerations: how much data are we transporting? How will we transport that data? How can we make our system intelligent? Where do we need to install these intelligence-driving platforms? How can we connect our data, operational technology and information technology to the necessary access points? Who/what has access to this data and control over these machines? These are only a few of the considerations that companies must address that are responsible for the industrial services driving cities and municipalities. While security is indeed a critical piece of this landscape, before any kind of connected or smart city can be achieved, the literal communication platform upon which that connectivity is deployed must first be implemented in a way that is not only compatible with current technology, but that will also be compatible with future technologies as well. From our perspective, there are five critical elements behind a smart city connected infrastructure: Robust Cloud Services Infrastructure designed to support all consumers of smart city deliverables Core Network Architecture that can rapidly expand in bandwidth and reach Extended Access Layer network architecture that incorporates a wide range of wired and wireless technologies to reach every sensor and device or that needs to connect to the smart city infrastructure A wide range of reporting devices such as sensors, visibility devices and other end points that create the data that makes a smart city work Distributed intelligence technology that allows for local execution of applications at the access layer plus global communication of data/analytics and information While each one of these tools is important in its own right, there is a common, underlying thread that connects them: each facet depends on a robust, reliable and secure communication platform. For smart cities, these communication platforms must be capable of enabling multiple methods of connectivity, but most importantly, they must be able to provide industrial-strength Wi-Fi. Wireless connectivity is the backbone of communication between the sensors that power all facets of the connected industrial infrastructure and the big data transport that is critical to the analytics that power “smart” enterprise. Not all industrial Wi-Fi platforms are created equal, and one of the major questions facing the ongoing development of smart infrastructure centers on how to ensure that these networks are secure and compatible across multiple, and sometimes proprietary, technologies. This certainly opens up a veritable can of worms, including the idea of standardization, but without the driving force of reliable and robust communication technology, most smart city dreams will remain just that – a dream.

IoT Top News: Distribution Intelligence

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, distribution intelligence refers to the part of the smart grid that addresses utility distribution systems – meaning the wires, switches and transformers connecting the utility substation to both the utility company and the end customer. These systems are designed to drastically improve the demand response times and overall efficiency of transferring electric power, thus enabling a fully controllable and flexible distribution system and giving field technicians the actionable knowledge to troubleshoot problem areas faster. As utility providers continue to move towards a digital and connected enterprise, the prospect of a self-healing power distribution system becomes extremely valuable – especially as electric power consumption continues to rise globally. That’s way this week’s round up is dedicated to distributing intelligence across one of the most mission-critical infrastructures on the planet – the power grid. State of Distribution Intelligence, per a Recent Smart Grid Report A smart grid survey of 70 U.S electric cooperatives found that, regardless of the challenges most have found a way to start incorporating smart grid technology across the board. Zpryme and the Rural Smart Grid Summit (RSGS) report that, “Nearly all electric cooperatives have some sort of smart grid effort. Many are at thestage of deploying multiple applications (31%) up from 21% last year. Pilot projects are also growing from 8% last year to 16% this year.”   We Now Have Hourly Data on the US Power Distribution System The U.S. Energy Information Administration (US EIA) can now collect data on electric supply, demand and flows on an hourly basis. CleanTechnica informs us that, “EIA’s U.S. Electric System Operating Data tool provides nearly real-time demand data, plus analysis and visualizations of hourly, daily, and weekly electricity supply and demand on a national and regional level for all of the 66 electric system balancing authoritiesthat make up the U.S. electric grid.”   Distribution Intelligence Starts with Proper Training India’s National Smart Grid Mission (NSGM) with USAID announced they will begin a series of utility personnel training programs designed to help educate workers on smart grid functionality and design. The Business Standard revealed, “The government has taken several proactive steps towards grid modernization, including the establishment of a Smart Grid Mission to plan and monitor the implementation of policies and programs related to Smart Grid activities in India.”   Cyber Attack Vulnerability in the Power Grid? We have all heard about a few of the big cyber attacks that have affected some big companies, but many don’t realize an attack on the electrical infrastructure could be crippling to our society. The Energy Collective unveiled a quiz to dispel some myths about the state of cybersecurity in the power grid. “Minimizing the risk is not just about training a network IT team. It’s about running a comprehensive and continuous scan of operational technology (OT)—the programmable logic controllers, the mobile devices, the supervisory control and data acquisition systems (SCADA), etc.—and then coordinating OT and IT teams with risk officers and crisis management experts to form a cohesive front capable of responding to an industrial cyber incident.” Perhaps the notion of distribution intelligence systems can help address and alleviate some of these concerns.   Most utilities are only starting on the road to true distribution intelligence, but the market is expected to boom in the coming years. With the advent of industrial IoT technologies and new regulatory factors, we could realize distribution intelligence in our power grid sooner than later. I hope you have enjoyed our weekly round up on distribution intelligence, and please be sure to leave your comments and questions below. BONUS ARTICLE The round up above is all about the smart grid and how to make it more efficient and resilient. Ever hear of a smart city? Smart cities are connected cities, and they work in conjunction with everything from IoT sensors to open data collection and smart streetlights to provide better services and better communication. Teena Maddox from Tech Republic wrote a great round up piece on six essential technologies that make the smart city of the future a reality today. Give it a read!  

Smart Grid: IoT’s Next Frontier

If smart grids across the world are headed towards an IoT frontier, what come’s next? According to a recent report, Ericsson estimated there will be 1.5 billion IoT devices adopted by the utility and energy industries as early as 2020. The rise of the smart grid seeks to tackle energy producers’ needs to direct power and resources as efficiently as possible. It’s not enough to know where all the utility lines are located, the modern digital age requires monitoring and sensors placed across all assets in the field, so that providers can relay actionable intelligence across the enterprise as quickly as possible. In the event of a power outage, for example, sensors can inform the field technicians where along the line the fault has happened, thus saving time on troubleshooting and enabling faster restoration of power to the customer base affected.   An example would be Florida Power & Lighting (FPL), who is in the process of installing 20,000 smart grid devices across their state. Already these devices are saving an estimated 100,000 visits from technicians, since these smart grid devices can automatically fix small outages automatically. Computer Business Review reports that, “The world’s traditional electrical network – simple and linear, with centralized energy production and passive consumption – is undergoing a transformation to a much more complex, interconnected, and interactive model: the Smart Grid. However, for this network to become intelligent, users will require connectivity, simplicity, and security. They will also need access to a reliable and safe energy source that guarantees optimal operation of their installations, infrastructures, and equipment.” Perhaps more advanced smart grid solutions comes with a price, as many early IoT adopters are finding out. Storing, transferring and relying mission-critical commands across an IP address does expose potential cybersecurity risks as information and remote controls move from Sensor-2-Server. Experts are saying it’s not if a cyber attack will happen, but when the smart grid will be hit. Despite the need to adopt new technologies within the evolving digital landscape, utilities must establish a holistic security plan to not only address physical security measures, but also the data transmission paradigm from each individual end point on the network and back to the corporate IT office. Security through obscurity is not a solution. There are many common attack vectors for industrial devices that become even more relevant when considering that smart grid infrastructures are becoming fully networked, geographically dispersed projects.

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