Lifeguards Use Drones?
By Patrick Lazar, VP of Engineering at FreeWave Technologies Drones have actually been around for quite some time, even though the recent “lift-off” of commercial applications has vaulted the technology further into the spotlight. I’ve started seeing some incredible uses of the technology and how not only businesses will benefit, but people as well. For example, lifeguards and emergency responders have started flying drones as another means to quickly assist swimmers in trouble. By dropping a life jacket as soon as possible, distressed swimmers can get assistance quickly while further assistance is in pursuit of reaching the swimmer in the water. In the same vein, another reason lifeguards are flying drones is to identify and monitor other threats to beachgoers such as sharks. This will lead into drones enabling automatic warning systems when sharks get closer to the swim zones, and warn lifeguards to deploy means to both repel sharks and notify others in the surrounding area. My Take: Dropping life preservers are the most natural use case that comes into mind. However, once the use cases start being thought through with detection, prevention and lifesaving goals, a more intelligent system will be needed to sense events, deploy drones to assist, audible two way communication to help victims all the way through to safety, alert authorities to bring needed medical help to the closest recovery location and of course, warning other population nearby to prevent others falling victim to the same conditions. In all these cases, visual, audio, sensor info, command and control information must be sent back and forth to the drone, which will require reliable, long range communications. Furthermore, the payloads of these communication devices must be light/small enough to not affect the drones performance.
Robots Will Steal Your Future Paychecks
We’ve spent many words on this blog talking through new Industrial IoT technologies, hardware and software, and the way that the status quo has shifted to demand better connectivity, smarter infrastructure, and better access to real-time data across the spectrum. Where we haven’t spent much time is considering the economic impact these technologies will have on the average person. Without looking too far into the future, we can already see the impact of a more automated workforce. With that in mind, and on top of all our other daily worries, do we need to be worried about robots stealing our paychecks in the future? Eric Brynjolfsson, recently presented a TED Talk about this very topic, but unlike the sci-fi fear mongers, Eric had a different approach. Brynjolfsson suggests we stop trying to compete with machines and focus in on how they can complement our work-life. It’s true today it takes less people to get the job done. This shift to automation is forcing companies to rethink infrastructure and think more about speed, efficiency and overall time. This isn’t the time to reinvent the wheel, it’s time to think about how that wheel can be tweaked to operate more smoothly and consistently over time. Now, before you let your imagination run wild of a robot powered world, that will be lucky to be apart of, take a moment and watch Brynjolfsson’s TED Talk. Not to worry there is still hope, you may not have to hand over your paychecks to tomorrow’s robots, just yet!
Video: What are the Future Uses of Drones?
While drones are responsible for one of the latest tech crazes to hit the mainstream, it’s safe to say that you should not expect them to invade your airspace anytime soon. However, the influx of these flying smart machines may not be as far off as you might think. With heavy-hitters like Amazon, Google and Walmart recognizing the immense opportunity of using drones for shipping and logistics purposes, its no wonder that people are saying “the drones are coming!” Industrial Applications for Drones What could prove to be more promising than the consumer-driven demand for flying drones is the use of that technology in industrial settings and applications. Already, we see companies using drones for the following scenarios: Emergency Response Enables immediate action, providing emergency response teams with fast, flexible visibility to assess critical situations. Utilities Safely allows for the quick inspection of high voltage power lines and wind turbines, helping mitigate worker risk and improve monitoring. Military & Defense Assisting with intelligent surveillance and reconnaissance missions to deliver timely, relevant, and assured information to thwart potential threats. Oil & Gas Protects and helps maintain extensive miles of pipeline covering large, remote areas that would otherwise require enormous amounts of time and resources. Agriculture Creates more efficient farms by monitoring inventory, growth, water and fertilizer levels, and crop health to facilitate production and increase yields. Public Safety Supporting firefighting operations by providing more up-to-date information at a lower cost, while reducing the number of responders in harm’s way. So what does the future hold for these next-generation technologies? It’s hard to say really. One of the biggest hurdles still to jump is figuring out how these aircrafts will fit into the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) existing airspace regulations. There is no doubt there will be new policies that are drone-specific on the horizon. In fact, the FAA has already taken steps in that direction by requiring drone owners to register their aircrafts as a first step in ensuring the safety of everyone who uses the skies. Let’s just assume that over then next five years policy and technology come together and we finally have lift-off in the drone world. What’s next? Check out this video courtesy of Be Amazed that explores 10 amazing futuristic uses of drones:
Top News: Manufacturing the Fate of Our Digital World
Manufacturing is in the midst reinventing itself on the heels of the latest IoT innovations. The industrial automation paradigm, which some say also gave rise to the lean manufacturing management philosophy, continues to influence organizations that wish to find new ways to capitalize on business opportunities in the digital age. Through that lens we gathered the top articles from the week and found some interesting perspectives. Some reports started suggesting manufacturing is in a time of trouble, both in the U.S. and around the globe, namely in places like China. But upon further investigation, we also find exciting trends that are shaping the evolution of manufacturing. We hope you enjoy this week’s roundup, and be sure to comment on your top articles of the week below! Chinese manufacturing fall adds to evidence of sharp global downturn (The Guardian) As the world watches Chinese manufacturing slow, many believe this is evidence of a major global downturn. The Guardian reminds us all that, “In another sign that manufacturers are braced for a long period of chasing business from a diminishing number of customers, they continued to lower their prices in February.” American Manufacturing in Peril (U.S. News) Gone are the golden days of domestic manufacturing, analysts now believe American manufacturing is in serious trouble. Andrew Soergel with U.S. News suggests that part of the problem for manufacturing is that, “The job market has changed. The generation has changed. The skill requirements to work in factories have changed.” The Manufacturing Side of CPG’s Digital Disruption (Automation World) In this era of digital disruption, consumer buying behavior will impact manufacturing practices. According to Stephanie Neil with Automation World, she thinks manufacturing could benefit from, “The use of standardized, reusable software modules simplifies configuration of robotic movements and integration with machine control functions. This allows machine builders to focus on increasing machine performance, added functionality, and equipment energy efficiency.” Despite all this talk about downturn and disruption in the manufacturing industry, there are some positive trends we should mention as well. Top 10: Manufacturing Trends of 2015 (Manufacturing Global) IoT, nanotechnology, SMAC Stack and greater visibility were all key manufacturing trends last year. According to Manufacturing Global’s trends, “Additive manufacturing, or 3d printing, is big news in the manufacturing sector. The new technology has captured the imagination of the general public and manufacturing executives alike, however it has also proven to be a game-changer for the industry.” 3-D Printing Poised to Shake up US Manufacturing (New York Post) In the last year 3-D printing has shown up in the medicine cabinet, operating rooms and even New York Fashion week. U.S. Manufacturing is getting a serious shake up with the launch of more 3-D printers. Catherine Curan with New York Post states that, “The 3-D printing boom isn’t big enough to single-handedly revive local manufacturing, but it will help.”
Sensor-2-Server: Benefits & Security for IIoT Communications
*This is part of a series of blogs examining Sensor-2-Server (S2S) communications, development, security and implementation. For the past two weeks, we’ve taken an in-depth look at what Sensor-2-Server communications are, how to implement these systems, and some of the specific aspects of communication that these systems facilitate. This week, for our final installment, we’ll examine some of the benefits, as well as security considerations, for S2S communications. Benefits of Sensor-2-Server Communications From a technology partnership perspective, Big Data vendors face the challenge of comparing data in motion versus data at rest. If the data has already moved through a SCADA system and has been aggregated, changed, stalled, or is not quite granular enough, it can be difficult to deliver high-value predictive analytics. The concept of predictive analytics is that an operator can make an accurate estimate that certain things can happen during operations. However, the operator needs to determine what the drivers are for the predicted actions to happen and must look at active data to determine if this is, in fact, happening. Without insight into the active data in motion, they are lacking an essential piece of the predictive analytics. This ability to compare data in motion at the access layer could benefit Big Data vendors when it comes to predictive analytics because it allows them to give higher value to their customers, which drives additional revenue. With S2S technology, they can deploy a tiered application infrastructure that allows data to intelligently move from one point to another. S2S also enables operators to go beyond a legacy SCADA data network. To operate a SCADA network, it requires a lot of institutional knowledge to truly understand, manage and work within the environment. S2S expands beyond moving the data into SCADA systems and allows operators to leverage more advanced technology, like predictive analytics. Essentially, S2S communications provide the opportunity to take advantage of new advanced tools, but the operator doesn’t necessarily have to sacrifice the institutional knowledge built into the SCADA data systems. As new generations enter the workforce, it’s likely that there will be a shift and some of that institutional knowledge will be replaced with technology that will allow operators to do more than they ever could before. The addition of new technology and IoT networks is where operators are starting to see the functional lines blur between the IT and production groups. As more technology is leveraged, these two disparate groups will have to work together more often. There is now a drive for a more holistic picture of what is going on in IT, what is going on in the field, and whether the technology used will be compatible with future needs. SCADA will likely always have value for industrial communications but, going forward, there will be an increase in the use other technologies as well. Additionally, with more technology physically in the field, there is always going to be a focus on data security. Security Sensors at the access layer present interesting security challenges. For example, consider a data concentrator sitting on an oil pad that is collecting data. This device is collecting data from a number of sensors and has data logging capabilities, which also means the other devices sitting at the remote site contain historical data. Technology providers need to insure that the technology used is taking advantage of all the security features that are available to make sure their data is protected through a variety of means including encryption, authentication, virus and intrusion protection, and by being physically tamperproof. With the growing interest in IIoT, the system is providing a communication path with highly valuable information. These sensors may be running an application on the edge of the network, and many of these devices are using IP. When there are Ethernet and IP devices going out to edge devices in the field, each one of those devices has the potential to become a threat to the entire corporate network if they’re not secure. Operators in IIoT environments need to be concerned with everything that could be introduced to the network at every single connection point. Data protection data is a fundamental and extremely important element in determining the effectiveness of S2S communication. Technology vendors must be mindful of security in every step of the design and installation process, and operators must require security features that will protect their data and networks. In addition to data security, the threat to physical infrastructures in very remote locations is driving the need for new security solutions such as intelligent video surveillance designed to maximize security and minimize cost. S2S solutions need to be physically capable of delivering the bandwidth to enable these new solutions. Where Do We Go From Here? Industrial communication is changing in the sense that IIoT enables the possibility for every device in a network to be connected – including those in the outer access layer. This has created a convergence of OT and IT operations in many instances or – at the very least – has brought the two departments to a closer working capacity. IoT and technology at the access layer enable the option for Sensor-2-Server, a form of intelligent communications that can move the sensor data to a specific server for detailed analysis. New data and technology are allowing operators to do things they’ve never done before, such as predictive analytics. As this shift continues, SCADA is not becoming an obsolete technology; rather it will become a piece in the bigger technology picture. Any operator choosing S2S technology, or any technology for that matter, must carefully consider the options and keep security as a top priority.
Top News: IoT Rules at Mobile World Congress (MWC)
After a week of everything mobile, at least in Barcelona at the Mobile World Congress (MWC), it is only fitting this week’s top news recap focuses on the other three letter acronym so hotly discussed from the show – IoT. Whether you have been living under a rock or just hadn’t embraced the fascination with the latest handheld smart technologies and cellular networking, this week’s Mobile World Congress (MWC) presented by GSMA, brought together around 800 mobile operators from more than 250 companies from around the globe to discuss the latest products, software and innovations that will push the IoT space even further into maturity. Some of the key themes to come out of this year’s MWC were the fifth generation wireless systems or 5G, the impact this next-gen tech and mobile will have on the Internet of Things (IoT) and the booming IoT businesses laying the foundations of the connected world. Now as you nestle up to your favorite mobile device or smart tablet, relax and dive into this week’s IoT news roundup from MWC! MWC: 5G Key to unlocking IoT … Just Not Yet (IndustryWeek) As the MWC surged forward with excitement for 5G to finally unlock IoT, experts warn the connective battle isn’t over, as the world dives into incorporating 5G throughout. Agence France-Presse with Industry Week reports that, “5G is the term on everyone’s lips at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona and a global race to develop it is under way.” IoT Race Heats up at MWC 2016 (RCR Wireless) The race heats up for IoT, as 2G networks scramble to find a new way to connect with the announcement of 5G at MWC 2016. “Mobile World Congress is all about the newest wireless technologies, but this year the end of an old technology is driving conversations around the Internet of Things.” This Week’s 5G Buzz Indicates IoT is Finally Kick-Starting (VentureBeat) The hot topic on everyone’s mind this week had to be 5G and the need for more IoT connectivity. Leon Hounshell, with Greenwave Systems reminds us that, “Regardless of the hype, CES and MWC do not reveal an IoT revolution, but they certainly show us a determined evolution, where devices will unceasingly become more connected, open, and smart.” Mobile World Congress: Internet of Things Business is Humming (USA TODAY) This week may have shown us a lot of shiny new IoT products for consumers, but the truth is IoT for business will really dominate deal-making. USA TODAY believes that, “It’s not hard to see why. Gartner forecasts that the market for IoT services will top $101 billion this year, nearly 30% more than the $78 billion that businesses spent last year. By 2020, spending for services like network deployment, operations management and data analytics is forecasted to balloon to $257 billion.” Mobile World Congress: Why Every Brand Should Become a Tech Brand (Campaign Live) Connectivity is everything, and moving forward in this technological age the MWC believes all companies should become a tech brand in order to incorporate IoT. Natalie Bell with Campaign Live states that, “We are now in an era of connecting everyone and everything. So, while Mark Zuckerberg is urging us to focus on the former and ensure wider basic connectivity across the entire globe, there’s a huge tech focus on the latter — the Internet of Things, which will be greater enabled by the increasing capacity in 5G. It’s this vast array of connected objects that have caught my attention this year.”
Sensor-2-Server (S2S): Implementing IIoT Communications
*This is part of a series of blogs examining Sensor-2-Server (S2S) communications, development and implementation. Last week, in part one of our series, we worked to define Sensor-2-Server (S2S) for IIoT communications, the access layer, and high-level applications. This week, we’re looking at the actual implementation of S2S communication systems. Implementing S2S Communications When implementing S2S networks, the operator needs to have a solid understanding of the following: What sensor data do I want to collect? What does the architecture look like? Where does the data need to come from and where does it need to go? For example, is it just going to SCADA or is it going to other data sources? These key details will drive the selection of the technology that best fits, in addition to the physical environment where it needs to transmit data. Carefully selecting the right pieces will help in architecting the network. In order to make S2S work, an operator needs to understand the physical environment needs. Everything is unique when it comes to RF in particular, and an operator must fully understand their environment if they want to be successful. The ability to collect the data is the first step in improving intelligence of Sensor-2-Server communication, which starts with technology selection. Four Tenets of Sensor-2-Server To establish the most effective S2S communications network, there are four core tenets that the technology must support: collecting the data, protecting the data, transmitting the data and controlling the data. Collect – The technology must allow the operator to collect data from any sensor – whether the sensors are analog or digital, wireless or wired. In some instances, the technology may need the extended ability to collect data at the access layer in a data logging fashion – allowing the operator to collect it, store it locally and make it available to SCADA systems. Protect- The intelligent communication must be able to protect the network against cyber-attacks. It must fix the boundary between the sensor and backbone network. Without ample security in the environment, many industries can be at risk for severe consequences such as compromised data or denial of service. Transport- The data must be transported to the appropriate location for analysis, no matter where the data is collected from. Operators should look for a system that offers seamless wireless data connectivity from Sensor-2-Server. Control- The Sensor-2-Server technology must add intelligenceto the access layer. Data logging is critical, and operators must have the capability to pull data in and control what happens with the data and where that data is stored. Users can leverage that data at the local level or back at the core network. S2S technology can be effectively deployed in the energy sector, whether it is oil and gas, electric power, solar, wind and or tide- based energy. Additionally, utilities, precision agriculture and irrigation can also benefit from intelligent S2S communication. With an intelligent communication system, operators can leverage new technology to improve the profitability of their businesses in ways previously considered impossible. For example, if an oil and gas company can use predictive analytics to estimate the price per barrel, the company can be more responsive – in real time – on its oil production levels. The data gathered from predictive analytics can help operators determine if production should be increased or decreased in certain areas, thus driving higher profitability. These technologies can also lead to cost reduction. For example, by deploying S2S technology at the oil well, the operator does not have to send as many workers out in the field to manually collect data. By enabling multiple benefits (profitability and cost reduction), S2S offers a value proposition that is getting the attention of many industrial operators. Next Week Next week, we’ll look at the benefits of intelligent Sensor-2-Server communications, as well as some of the important security considerations.
Utilities: Where Data Flows Like Water at the Speed of Light
(Image courtesy Flickr Creative Commons) More than a decade ago, the choices were few to address the needs of data gathering and recording. Water and wastewater utilities, for example, had to be able to use a ‘one size fits all’ unit with set parameters and make their systems adaptable to the technology of the day. Since then, many municipal water systems, such as those in Southern Utah, have had to broaden the area from which they gather, use, and reclaim water. Most growing areas are even facing the dilemma of higher demands on services while trying to stay within shrinking budgets and manpower cutbacks. This is because in the past, many viewed electronic data gathering as a ‘want’ instead of a ‘need’ until now. As with any limited resource, scarcity often drives innovation as people are tasked to do more with less. Such is the current state and convergence of water/wastewater utilities and the Internet of Things (IoT) – an emerging paradigm in which more data and information can be gathered and acted upon during the processes of collecting, treating, monitoring, and distributing water. With the unprecedented demand for cities and municipalities to maximize water resource allocation, local government officials began implementing smarter methods to address the challenges of today and hurdle the potential obstacles in the future. By using new technology in the form of sensors, IoT networking and data analytics, city officials, local citizens, and businesses are now more accurately predicting everything from crop yields to at-home water conservation. This technological evolution is part of a much larger undertaking that has both garnered international attention and prompted action all the way to the Federal level of the United States government. Smart Cities Initiative Connected In response to the new Smart Cities Initiatives, cities around the country are beginning to take advantage of the $160+ million in Federal research and technical collaborations to help their local communities tackle key challenges such as lessening traffic congestion, reducing crime, fostering economic growth, creating jobs, managing the effects of a changing climate, and improving the delivery of city services and quality of life. According to a White House fact sheet on Smart Cities, emerging technologies have “created the potential for an ‘Internet of Things,’ a ubiquitous network of connected devices, smart sensors, and big data analytics. The United States has the opportunity to be a global leader in this field, and cities represent strong potential test beds for development and deployment of IoT applications.” Given the growth of these highly connected networks, Smart Cities are using wireless communication technologies to build critical infrastructure and support public services. According to the research firm Gartner, an estimated 1.1 billion connected things were used by Smart Cities in 2015, with this total rising to 9.7 billion by 2020. What Is on the Horizon for Utilities? As Smart Cities initiatives continue grabbing headlines and captivating imaginations, public utilities and their customers have the most to gain in the short term. Coordination and collaboration amongst a cities’ local government, utility operators, researchers, and technology vendors is key to bringing these “smart initiatives” to light. For example, Orlando, Florida was a destination of choice for many involved in these smart city transformations, as DistribuTECH 2016 brought approximately 12,000 people together from more than 60 countries across the globe to keep the focus on the future of electric power delivery and a smart utilities infrastructure.
Remote Wi-Fi: Enabling Wireless Video Transport
(Image courtesy Flickr Creative Commons) The topic is not new, but it is increasingly common in conversations with customers and potential users of wireless networks for M2M and IIoT applications. In fact, this topic now occurs in almost every conversation regarding networks and their wireless video transmission capabilities. Our topic is the transport of video and the applications it enables. As reference, a few areas where wireless video is being used are: Security operations, such as facility assess control and perimeter monitoring Work safety to monitor hazardous areas Deterrence of vandalism and theft Process monitoring for improved quality and efficiency For these video integrated systems, they perform several functions: Capture video of the area or process being monitored Transport the video stream to the video analytics, which typically resides in the enterprise network and not at the remote site with the video camera Analysis of the video stream to derive actionable information or data from the real-time feed, and Act upon the information or data extracted from the video where the system may or may not be collocated with the video camera. High-speed wireless networks are well suited for transporting data from remote sites to centralized locations, and again transporting information from the centralized location to remote or other sites where it is acted upon. These high-speed networks require high data rates, low latency and quality of services (QoS) capabilities. Application Examples An example of an integrated wireless video system employing a high-speed wireless network is remote facility access control. The video stream is transported from a remote site to the analytics engine located in the enterprise network where facial or license plate recognition is performed on the video stream. If the person or vehicle is to be on site, the on-site assess control system locks or unlocks a gate or door. In this example, the integrated system has the video source and assess the control system collocated. Another example is improving worker safety through transporting video and analytics where the analytics detects worker presence and activity. If the activity stops, the worker can be contacted through an emergency management system. If the worker does not respond to the contact, an emergency response team can be dispatched. In this example, video transported from the remote site is analyzed and drives inputs into emergency response systems that are not collocated. Video analytics is promising with a wide range of possible applications. However, it is the wireless high-speed network that makes these services viable and cost effective since the wireless network has the bandwidth to be used for multiple applications (voice, video, data and sensor) across multiple departments within the enterprise.
Solving The Challenges of Remote Wi-Fi in the Industrial Internet of Things
Most of us can relate to the frustration of when the Wi-Fi is down, or running slowly, or if we travel away from an established network and aren’t able to connect to another one nearby. The lack of Wi-Fi makes it impossible to check our emails, look up something on the internet, connect with others, or get our work done efficiently. In short, it makes us feel a little helpless and a whole lot of cranky because we’ve become way too accustomed to getting the information we want – when we want it – and staying in 24/7 connection with our world. Now, if we’re challenged by our Wi-Fi experiencing a service blip in a metropolitan area, imagine a remote industrial setting like an oil pad, a water treatment plant, or a rural electric tower. All of these reside in what is known as the access layer – or at the very outer edge of an IT network. Not only is there usually no internet connectivity in the access layer, but these devices are typically operating in rugged terrain where they’re experiencing extreme and volatile weather conditions such as wind, snow, blistering heat, tornadoes, dust storms, etc. Each of these access layer settings is part of a larger industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) network that connects the information gathered from local sensors that transmit or receive operational data. From there, they pass it along through subsequent network touch points all the way to the IT department at headquarters where this data is collected, analyzed, and acted upon for improved decision making. So, at the access layer – sometimes in the middle of nowhere where there can be no Wi-Fi networks for miles – talk about being disconnected from the world! Adding the environmental component to that, as well as the fact that most of these remote sites aren’t adequately monitored and data security is at risk, it makes your occasional Wi-Fi challenges seem a bit tame, yes? Here’s where wireless IIoT communications technology can help transmit this critical sensor data from remote industrial locations with no Wi-Fi connectivity all the way to where they’re supposed to go – and at very high speeds. This week, FreeWave is launching its new WavePro™ WP201 shorthaul and Wi-Fi platform that delivers secure collection, control, and transport of Voice, Video, Data, and Sensor (VVDS™) information from the access layer. Think of it as high-speed, rugged Wi-Fi connectivity that can be positioned in that oil pad, power plant or wherever Wi-Fi is needed. It will not only connect these sensors to the internet, but can also transport voice and video to create an instant in-field network, provide greater visibility into what’s going on at these sites, and better protect remote assets. The Advent of Short Haul and the Access Layer Change is inevitable, and change is taking place in SCADA, M2M and IIoT networks. SCADA networks started as networks that transported periodic process updates and used low bandwidth networks with longer links to meet their mission. Today, remote SCADA and Wi-Fi networks are transporting more data from more sensor data with greater frequency in order to drive operational efficiency into business processes. SCADA and M2M networks are becoming more multi-functional than their predecessors. These networks are transporting more than sensor data from the remote site to the enterprise. These networks linking remote sites to the enterprise network are now transporting: Video for remote process monitoring, enhanced site security and theft deterrence Voice, since cellular coverage is not ubiquitous Data so field personal have access to information needed to work efficiently This combination of data types is what FreeWave terms as VVDS™ (voice, video, data and sensor). VVDS transport is now a requirement for your wireless network. Another change occurring in traditional SCADA networks is that link distances are decreasing. In the past, SCADA networks with wireless links of more than 10 miles were common. Today, wireless links in excess of 10 miles typically use high speed, microwave, point-to-point (PTP) systems because of the increased capacity demands of VVDS. The WP201 links the formerly unconnectable and is designed to not only meet the harshest environmental conditions, but also encrypts the data to keep it secure and protected. It can be used in a wide variety of industries like oil & gas, utilities, mining, disaster recovery, facility automation – anywhere where field sensor information needs to be transmitted to servers for Sensor-2-Server™ (S2S™) connectivity. The applications are almost limitless. With higher speed, shorter wireless links, FreeWave defines wireless networks in three tiers: Long Haul (or the Distribution Layer) are wireless links from 5 miles, and greater and are typically implemented using high speed, PTP microwave systems. Short Haul (or the Aggregation Layer) are wireless links from 1 to 8 miles that are easily implemented using high speed, 2.4GHz or 5GHz radios with directional antennas to create point-to-multipoint (PMP) networks for data and information aggregation, or PTP links that provide network ingress/egress points. Close Haul (or the Access Layer) are PMP networks with wireless links operating from a few feet to a couple of miles to transport VVDS data. Designing and deploying wireless networks using a layer approach that enables each layer to be optimized for transport and for cost ─ leveraging the right equipment at the right point. The WP201 and its remote Wi-Fi and short haul capabilities is the first in a series of S2S products that FreeWave is offering to be that critical communication bridge in the IIoT world. So in your own operations, what are some ways you might incorporate the WP201 into your network?