Transforming SCADA As We Know It Through App Dev

Small- and mid-sized industrial organizations that are reliant upon Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems — like those in oil and gas, energy, utilities, and agriculture — are facing new pressures to meet market demands. In these environments, agility and operational efficiency are no longer “nice to have” but are now essential to survival. Operations managers at these smaller businesses constantly face demands to incorporate modern technology that requires increased connectivity across networks in order to automate, monitor and control the processes that optimize operational success (and limit risk/downtime). The challenge for many of these small- and mid-sized businesses is that they need to find solutions rugged enough to operate in harsh and remote field locations, while reliably monitoring data, executing logic locally and enabling visibility globally – all with limited resources. In many instances, a traditional SCADA system is hard on the pocket books and ROI is something that might only be achieved in the distant future. The good news is that technology providers have been listening and working to craft solutions for these businesses to ease the cost burden on the front end and expedite the ROI process. App Server Software Available Today Freshly available (as of today), App Server Software technology combines proven, industrially hardened 900 MHz wireless telemetry with the ability to program and host third-party applications, similar to a Linux-based Raspberry Pi embedded in an industrial Ethernet radio. Within the app server software solution, Industrial IoT (IIoT) developers have the ability to program with any language that is compatible with a Linux kernel, including: Python, Java, C++, Node-RED and Node.js development environments. The App Server software that FreeWave now offers comes pre-loaded with Node-RED, Python and MQTT for easy industrial IoT app development on multiple ZumLink 900 Series radio models. App-Based SCADA Systems With the app server software came the opportunity to transform SCADA. In order to support the small- and mid-sized businesses that face the costs of Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) type hardware and monthly recurring fees, the engineers at FreeWave have successfully built a prototype ZumDash Small SCADA app in Node-RED that is enabled by a ZumLink programmable radio. The prototype app is available at a fraction of the cost of traditional SCADA. The Small SCADA app enables reliable data collection; monitoring, and remote command and control functionality through triggers, alarms and actions. It supports analog, digital and HART data through a Modbus interface. It also provides a “dashboard” with user-defined status updates and data trend visualization from any web-based device. Essentially, the new app serves as a small SCADA replacement.   A Sample ZumDash Dashboard App Development Opportunities The Small SCADA app is only the beginning. Developers have a big opportunity to help transform operations across many industries through app dev at the edge. FreeWave wants to enable these developers through its pilot program. Participants will receive a complimentary hardware/software dev kit to write their own industrial IoT applications with easy-to-use developer tools. Learn more about the app-based SCADA system here: FreeWave Unveils ZumIQ App Server Software to Power IoT Programmability at the Edge

Calling Industrial IoT Developers…to the Well Pad?

Organizations continue to enhance their digital transformation strategies as they see measurable benefits and improvements in operations. Many industries that have traditionally used either manual methods or a disparate technologies for data collection, will soon have access to next generation, cloud-based monitoring and control of their networks. In these networks, robust wireless communication technologies bring intelligence to remote assets, enabling command, control and visibility from computers or mobile devices, and accessibility from anywhere. These future-proof wireless telemetry systems leverage automation and programmability to monitor data globally and execute and process logic locally. As organizations eye the future of operations with these types of capabilities there are big opportunities for software developers in the Industrial IoT (IIoT) space. Developers in Demand With programmability introduced to the industrial IoT network, the possibilities for developers are endless. Novice developers could even leverage open-source technologies like Python and Node-RED to enable new applications for monitoring and control that can transform business operations. We’re already seeing automation prototypes for tank level monitoring of remote and isolated oil/gas assets, and this is only one example of the type of application that would prove highly beneficial for organizations with geographically dispersed assets in the field. These programmable solutions are also extremely flexible, as a company can choose to develop the app themselves or integrate third-party applications. There is at least one pilot program currently in progress designed to support and enable developers who want to create applications for expansive IIoT networks. IIoT app development can serve a number of industries. The ability to add programmability to these solutions further supports companies as they digitize operations. Next Generation Automation for Oil and Gas Small-to-medium-sized oil and gas companies in particular can benefit from automation technologies that combine wireless telemetry with programmability, especially in terms of ROI. By automating manual processes, they cut down on operating costs by a large marker. Well pad automation technology builds analytics and intelligence into the wellhead environment. This is a big step beyond traditional communications because it enables the intelligent applications and programmability to establish an advanced operating environment. With a modern communication network in place, the organization becomes more agile and productive because it can leverage predictive analytics, remote command and control, new protocol translations, and modern cloud-based services – all at the well pad! When the oil and gas company has the power to make informed decisions that drive higher production outputs, they are able to visualize and measure the benefits. It’s an exciting time in the IIoT space as we watch digital transformations change the way companies operate. With more processes automated and programmability being incorporated throughout the entire network, even at the most remote edge, we’re seeing significant opportunities for developers to help point these industrial organizations at the future.

Programming for Cloud-to-Device Communications in Industrial IoT

Should you leave processing in the cloud or on the edge? Both. Particularly in IIoT, developers need to start thinking about both tracks. There is a power struggle going on in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Many think cloud applications are the future of real-time data processing in IIoT settings; others believe data should be processed and decisions executed at the edge of the network. In truth, the answer lies somewhere in the middle: Data needs to be processed both via the cloud and at the edge, which presents an interesting opportunity for software developers in the IIoT space. Clearly, being able to operate industrially hardened smart devices remotely – and in many cases automatically – from the cloud presents many benefits. But the challenge lies in potential connectivity issues when developing applications. Developers must think along a dual track, which means that they must think about how an app developed for the cloud can be mirrored to run on the edge device itself. Several factors converge here to create a unique atmosphere for developers: connectivity, security, and today, the programmability of edge devices. Traditionally, the devices themselves simply acted as conduits for data collection and transport, but today, hardware manufacturers are creating devices that can host third-party applications. A point worth noting is the advent of Node-RED, which can streamline some of the programmability challenges. So, understanding the need for mirrored applications, let’s look at a few use-cases that highlight exactly why this redundancy is necessary. Cloud-to-Device in the Oilfield In the case of oil fields, when the edge app sees an oil pump showing a temperature reading above a predetermined safety level, the applications on the device can decide to shut the pump down, or the cloud application can send a command to do so. In cases where there are emergencies, different sites might have a different set of actions that need to be initiated. In fact, most sites have thermal sensors on the oil pads. If the oil pads exceed a certain threshold, then these cloud programs know there is an explosion and a fire happening onsite. To prevent a chain reaction, the cloud will send a command to shut down all the pumps and all the valves in that area so they don’t create a chain reaction and keep spreading. Extending the oil site example, if there is an intentional attack on the site, the first thing you do is disconnect the communication lines back to the cloud to protect the network. In that scenario, having the same application running on the cloud and the edge devices still allows the same decision to be made in the local network by the device itself. If the device cannot ‘see’ the cloud, it can still respond and execute tasks. If the cloud program is not responding, and the device notices the pad temperature goes beyond the threshold, it can initiate a local shutdown protocol. Once the network is back online, the device can send this information back to the cloud which can, in turn, be given to site operators remotely. Because of these necessary duplications, programming for these settings can be difficult. For example, in Oracle applications, in SCADA networks, all of the applications run on Java. Oracle pages run on Java. Therefore, most programmable industrial devices must demonstrate that they can run the same Java application locally. Many IIoT platform providers have now expanded the scope of the programming. They’ve built devices that can actually drag and drop the same Java code from the cloud into individual edge units, to run that device. Of course, it has to be developed for a device and for the cloud, so it requires some extra attention, mainly because on the device, the decision-making is slightly different. It does not execute the application unless it cannot speak to the cloud. When it cannot speak to the cloud, then it executes the command just the way the cloud would. Redundancy Applications in UAS In other industrial settings – unmanned systems, for instance – the protocols are different. If a drone can’t communicate with the operator, it could have a simple command that says, “Trace back all your GPS location and fly them in a reverse mode and go back to where you came from, until you can establish communication and get new commands.” So, it’s the same concept. Programmable IIoT platforms are now being set up and designed so that they can run applications in multiple different languages. If the application is written in C, Java, Python – basically, anything that can be read on the cloud – it can be dragged and dropped into those edge units, and it could execute the same protocols directly on the edge device. This simple concept is transforming the way the IIoT thinks about data transport and real-time decision-making. If you write your code once you can drop it in both places, and if the device loses communication, it knows what to do. Of course, there are many other considerations when thinking about programming applications for the edge and the Industrial IoT. Security remains paramount, and we see examples every day pointing to a potential meltdown if security isn’t addressed properly. Still, the potential for the cloud-to-device communication and application execution remains great. For developers, being able to think across platforms, languages and program functions are three key points to consider when creating applications for the Industrial IoT. This article originally appeared on

IIoT News Roundup: How IoT is Saving Lives

In the past several weeks, there have been two massive natural disasters in the U.S., as Hurricane Harvey made landfall in Texas, bringing historic flooding to Houston and surrounding areas, and Hurricane Irma devastated parts of the Caribbean and Florida. Sadly, thousands of people find themselves without power, food and shelter. It is indeed a terrible tragedy and our hearts go out to those affected. In this devastation, however, there is a story emerging about the role the Internet of Things (IoT) has played in disaster preparedness. Indeed this technology has matured to the point that it is making a real and measurable impact in helping communities prepare for, respond to, and recover from disaster. In today’s IIoT news roundup, we will take a look at several stories emerging around disaster preparedness, smart cities and the IoT. Disaster Response in the 21st Century: Big Data and IoT Saves Lives In this story from Forbes, author Chris Wilder describes some of the ways the IoT and other technologies have changed the way disasters are predicted and responded to. Specifically, Wilder cites the ways crowd sourced emergency applications have made post-disaster communication and emergency dispatch easier and more streamlined. Further, Wilder speaks to the ways Big Data generated from sensors and meters throughout the region helped give more advanced notice to impacted areas and helped predict the path of these hurricanes with greater accuracy. IoT’s Role in Natural Disasters like Harvey                   In this article from IoT for All, author Hannah White discusses how the advent of the IoT has fundamentally changed the way hurricanes are predicted and responded to. Specifically, White discusses how open data was used to list Red Cross shelters with space availability, as well as evacuation routes that remained passable. White also describes the way organizations are leveraging drone technology in their response. Oil and gas companies are using drones to inspect their facilities, while insurance companies have been able to use the tech to capture high-resolution 3D images of damage to help expedite claim response and enable those affected to rebuild and recover more quickly. Finally, White discusses the way different organizations are leveraging IoT sensor arrays to measure and predict natural disasters in advance, helping to provide critical time to those in harm’s way. Where Will Hurricane Jose Go Next? How Drones and Lightbulbs Help Predict Dangerous Weather Unfortunately, Irma and Harvey are being quickly followed by another potentially dangerous storm (at the time of writing, Tropical Storm Jose) looming east of the United States. In this article from Newsweek author Kevin Maney describes the ways technology is helping us predict storms with greater accuracy. In the article, Maney notes the one of the key components for more accurate weather modeling and prediction is vast amounts of data. Indeed, the IoT is the most prolific and advanced data engine in technology history, and scientists are able to leverage the IoT to make incredible breakthroughs in their weather modeling algorithms. Department of Energy Investing in Power Resiliency In this recent blog post from the Department of Energy, it was announced that the DOE is invested some $50 million to help improve the resilience and security of the United State’s energy grid. This is a particularly timely announcement in the wake of Harvey and Irma, whose impacts on area electrical grids were profound. One of the technologies in discussion as part of the investment are micro grids, smaller, more “agile” energy structures that make the impact of localized storms less widespread. In a traditional grid system, one transformer can impact wide swaths of residents, while a micro grid limits damage and makes repairs simpler, less costly, and faster. Final Thoughts While the devastation caused by these two natural disasters cannot be overstated, IIoT played a significant role in saving lives both before the storms made landfall and after the storms had passed. When it comes to these sorts of disasters, even minutes of additional notice can mean the difference between life and death. As IoT solutions grow more robust and continue to become more ubiquitous in cities across the globe, we expect prediction and response capabilities to continue to advance at an incredible pace.

NFL Advances In-Stadium Wireless Connectivity

(Image courtesy of With the NFL season kicking off, we decided to investigate one of the more overlooked aspects of the game: in-stadium wireless communication. Surprisingly, several aspects of the game experience rely heavily on wireless communication: coaches headsets on the field and in the booth, concession stand payment processing, and, of course, fans with smartphones. Anyone who has attempted to connect to publicly available wireless internet in a stadium, concert venue or otherwise generally crowded area knows that connectivity is finicky at best and nonexistent at worst. In the era of instant score updates, fantasy leagues, Twitter and other social media applications, fans expect to be able to use their smartphones during a live-game experience. Additionally, even just a few years ago coaches themselves dealt with connectivity problems: … The tablet computer in his left hand — a high-tech replacement for the black-and-white printed pictures coaches have used for decades to review plays — kept losing its Internet connection, leaving Belichick unable to exchange images he and his coaches rely on to make in-game adjustments. The fault is apparently in a new private Wi-Fi network the NFL installed in stadiums this year to great fanfare. Internet service is erratic, making a system financed by one of the world’s richest sports leagues little better than the one at your local coffee shop. … Of course, since then, the NFL has gone out of its way to better incorporate wireless communication technology into the stadium experience for fans and personnel alike. This year, the Denver Broncos 3,000 5 GHz wireless antennas in Mile High Stadium (we should note, the claim of ‘most of any NFL venue’ is unverified): To increase fan connectivity, Broncos announce install of 3,000 5GHz wireless antennas at stadium, believed to be the most of any NFL venue. — Patrick Smyth (@psmyth12) September 5, 2017 For the NFL, and other large events, the question of connectivity has more to do with bandwidth capacity than access to a wireless network. Most cellular carriers provide access to LTE networks in the populated areas where stadiums and event centers are located, but the sheer amount of data being used during an event like the Super Bowl has grown exponentially over the years. In 2014, data usage at Super Bowl XLVIII totaled around 2.5 terabytes. Super Bowl LI, played in February 2017, saw nearly 12 TBs transferred throughout the game over WiFI alone, with Facebook and Snapchat accounting for almost 10 percent of the total bandwidth. Verizon and AT&T customers combined to use another 20 TB of data over those networks. With those numbers in mind, it makes far more sense to utilize high-bandwidth technology like WiFi, rather than relying on the LTE networks to support those big data figures. When IIoT and the NFL Collide The average consumer thinks of WiFi as a broadband service facilitated by a router in one’s home or office. When scaled to the usage size of a football stadium-worth of bandwidth consumption, however, a regular router will not suffice. Instead, these stadiums use wireless communication technology that has been deployed with regularity in the Industrial IoT for years: signal repeaters and access points peppered strategically throughout the necessary coverage areas. Just like companies in the utilities, oil and gas, precision agriculture and smart city industries, these stadiums are relying on industrial-strength WiFi platforms to handle the data demands of teams, vendors and fans. An additional consideration for stadiums and critical industries is the security of these networks, so tech vendors must be able to supply built-in security measures within the access points. These networks must be secure, flexible and reliable in order to support the massive demand being made for hours on end. The New Generation of Stadium Experiences We tend to take internet access for granted these days. Connectivity is already nearly ubiquitous and only growing each year, so it makes sense that stadiums would eventually start to catch on to the technology being used to propagate these industrial-strength networks.  At this point, it is not just the NFL that is working on pushing the stadium experience into the next generation, other professional sports leagues, music venues, and festival sites are catching up to the IIoT technology that is proving to be a literal game changer.  

The Next Generation of IIoT: Micro & Macro Connectivity

From a consumer standpoint, the impact of IoT connectivity is clear. People can purchase smart home systems and automobiles with increasingly autonomous features. Looking at the potential changes to our daily lives in the coming years, all things point to connectivity. We are eyeing a future where we can monitor and control our homes, vehicles and business around the clock. The news stories are exciting and tangible because new products are frequently unveiled and we see them being used in our everyday lives. This impact has spread beyond the scope of the consumer market, which ultimately led to the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Traditional businesses, like those in utilities, oil/gas and agriculture, face a future that has the potential to transform entire industries due to the power of digital disruption. Despite the growing pains and challenges of “going digital,” industrial businesses face almost limitless potential to streamline operations and control large distributed networks with a level of precision that was previously impossible. As these industries pick up on the value of data and connectivity, next generation applications have emerged that will drive competition and increase productivity. Data and analytics will be available via the cloud and accessible from any device. And even better, the quality of data will be controlled through automation and the incorporation of third party applications. What this means for businesses is they will be able to monitor their networks on a micro level. This allows problems to be stopped in their tracks and for precise process adjustments that streamline operations. With third party applications, there is not only substantial business opportunity for developers, but there are endless possibilities for process control, security and operational apps that will drive down costs and support increased production. Most business decision makers are aware that there is no stopping digital transformation because research shows that it’s already happening. Many businesses are in the process of digital transformation and have already thought about these next generation systems and the research proves this: 75 percent of IoT providers say that big data and analytics are among the top skills they look for when adding talent to their teams. 50 percent of companies look to hire specialists in mobile development. A recent TechBullion article states: “they already have noticed the close relationship of mobile and IoT and plan to launch IoT projects for their businesses within the nearest 5 years.” Gartner says that by the end of 2017 demand mobile application development will grow five times faster than the number of IT companies able to meet this demand. A new report from Frost & Sullivan anticipates a trend in the transition from connected devices to the use of cognitive or predictive computing and sentient tools in the next 12-18 months. So what does this mean for industrial business? It means they need to invest now in the communication technologies that will deliver the data that is absolutely critical for future networking needs. It means they need to think about how they can enable programmability at all network endpoints – even at the edge. And lastly, it means they need to start working through the challenges of a digital shift now so they are prepared for an automated, connected future.

On the Edge of Transformation: IIoT for Water/Wastewater

Innovation is everywhere. Even the most industrial of industries are being disrupted by technology that has the power to transform entire market landscapes. The water/wastewater industry certainly falls into this bucket as we see automation and Industrial IoT (IIoT) driving new processes and uncovering data that enables intelligent decision making. Robust wireless, FHSS-based solutions are available today to ensure consistent and reliable delivery of that important data. As we seek more connectivity as a means to understand the network from the business office to the furthest endpoint, all in real-time, we see the potential impact on operations. As a result, utilities are beginning to adopt new methods of monitoring and control that offer more visibility over operations and connectivity at every network endpoint. As a new generation of tech savvy workers rises, further driving innovation and technology as a means for success, we see automation take over many monitoring and control processes – especially in remote networks. The potential benefits water/wastewater impact the utility and the customer, from more efficient operations to safer water. Things like predictive analytics are now available to serve as a problem solving tool for common monitoring issues, such as predicting the likelihood of pump failure. The ability to add programmable radios at the network’s edge opens up new possibilities for streamlined data, enhanced cybersecurity and precise control. The potential cost savings alone are catching the attention of decision makers in the utility business.  Here are a few examples of how IIoT is driving major innovation in the water/wastewater industry, and how wireless solutions can help utilities create a network that enables new technology: Treatment Plant Automation – Automation at water treatment plants optimizes operations. With automated monitoring and control, water utilities can further ensure that the water offered to customers is safe for consumption and can help identify issues in real tie. High-speed wireless solutions can help drive real-time automation to ensure uptime, flexibility, safety and long equipment life. Remote Tank Level Automation– Tank level monitoring and control, a critical operation, for water/wastewater is even more challenging when the tanks are remotely located. With automation solutions in place, this can be done in real time. New wireless technologies for remote tank level automation can take this a step further by enabling programmability by hosting third party applications specific to the needs of the individual tank monitoring network. Chemical Injection Water/Wastewater – With the ability to deliver data directly to the cloud, chemical processes can be closely monitored to ensure the utmost in safety and performance. The access to data in real-time is essential in monitoring the chemical process and it ultimately leads to fewer mistakes the chemical injection process. Wireless solutions can enable seamless delivery of this critically important data to the cloud. IIoT is changing the way water/wastewater organizations approach many of their processes, and so far we are seeing streamlined operations and endless potential industry transformation. As the water industry evolves, it will be interesting to see what changes take shape.

Do Drones Help or Hurt Wildfire Fighting?

Summer wildfire season is in full swing across North America, and the question of the utility of drones is once again in the headlines. The technology has proponents on both sides, but it has also been linked to several incidents, including the grounding of critical aircraft in a firefighting effort in Arizona. A key point of differentiation in this discussion is the use of personal drones, similar to the one mentioned in the article above, and commercial drones designed to serve a specific purpose in operations, similar to military or first responder deployments. The problem that firefighters face is the unauthorized use of personal drones, which can create dangerous situations for support aircraft like helicopters and tanker planes. Because firefighting aircraft fly at such low altitudes, they share the same airspace as commercial or personal drones, and at that altitude, one instance of interference can be deadly. A recent Quartz article pointed out the correlation between drone interference and the effect it can have on the people most impacted: civilians and the firefighters themselves: The drone problem has plagued fire departments for the last few years; In 2016, during Utah’s massive Saddle fire, a drone prevented firefighting planes from taking off—if the planes had been able to attack the fire from above, people would not have needed to be evacuated, according to Utah governor Gary Herbert. So far, in 2017, there have been 17 incidents of unauthorized drone disturbance in wildfire areas. In 2016, 40 such occurrences were recorded. In Colorado, firefighting crews are figuring out the most effective ways to use authorized unmanned aerial systems (UAS) to aid fire suppression tactics. When used in an official capacity, drones can be extremely useful. They can be used to survey landscape during a lightning storm when manned aircraft are grounded, or they can be used to deliver supplies to ground crews working in remote areas. Further, with new infrared technology, drones can be used to essentially automate the response protocol process to identify fires with the greatest threat potential, and dispatch the necessary resources before the fires explode out of control. Other leading-edge UAS applications for firefighters include drones that can be pre-programmed with Google Maps flight plans prior to launch, or drones that can stay in the air for hours with greater line-of-sight communications than ever before. The true difference between unauthorized and authorized UAS in wildfire fighting situations is the communication capabilities. When deployed correctly, authorized UAS can use TDMA technology to communicate with other aircraft in the area and ensure that no collisions or interference incidents occur. TDMA is a frequency channel access technique for shared communication networks, essentially enabling a more sophisticated way to drive Point-to-Multipoint communications. It allows multiple transceivers to access and share a single radio frequency channel without interference by dividing the signal into different transmission time slots. This enables swarming applications that enable multiple unmanned systems to operate autonomously, in tandem. For many personal drone users, the temptation to use this emerging technology to capture images or video is strong. Better cameras, greater operating distances and stronger communication capabilities have created a tool that can be both fun and useful for the average user. However, for wildland firefighters, the use of these unauthorized drones pose a serious threat to both their safety and the safety of the civilians they are tasked with protecting.

Rugged IIoT Solutions That Can Weather Any Storm

Mount Washington Observatory (MWO) is a research facility located at the heart of what many consider the “home of the world’s worst weather.” Think thick ice, dense fog, drifting snow, powerful winds, sub-arctic temperatures, rapidly changing conditions and more fog. The New Hampshire-based facility provides critical research data on the Earth’s climate and doubles to protect the lives of the MWO crew, US Forest Service Snow Rangers and New Hampshire Fish and Game employees by providing real-time weather updates. Collecting data is critically important for MWO operations and the safety of those it helps protect. In this vicious and unforgiving environment, FreeWave’s rugged IIoT solutions are responsible for delivering the data that is invaluable to research and safety efforts. Powering through Fog and Ice The extreme conditions at the MWO facility range from fog with 50-100 mph winds to sub-arctic temperatures that are accompanied by 140+mph winds and thick ice. The weather is known to change frequently and fast, with ice accretion rates of up to 12” per hour — and visibility is often limited or non-existent. These extremes make it the ideal location for studying the environment and climate. However, when search and rescue teams are deployed the situation can quickly become dangerous. They rely on MWO’s real-time data to assess conditions. As you can imagine, there is little room for connectivity issues when people are out in the elements. Ruggedized IIoT Solutions The key to establishing a network at Mount Washington is robust and hardened technology that will perform in the Summer and Winter extremes. For more than 13 years, FreeWave 900MHz spread spectrum radios have delivered the data that the crew relies on to survive some of the most intense weather in North America.  While the technology is constantly exposed to the rough conditions, it performs day-in and day-out, providing critical data around the clock. Check out the full case study, including a description of the network here:  

International IIoT Perspectives: Smart Cities

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is, at times, hard to pin down. The stronger the technology has gotten, the broader the applications have become, affecting everything from energy, to smart cities to manufacturing, and in the process, blurring the line between traditional consumer and industrial markets. Interestingly, in the United States, much of the Industrial IoT advancements have come from the private sector – oil and gas, utilities, precision agriculture, etc. International IIoT, however, has seen real advancements coming from cities – smart cities, that is. Smartest Cities in the World A 2015 article from Forbes provided a list of the top five smartest cities in the world based on a number of factors, including environmental monitoring, smart traffic management, data usage and creative tech applications.  Barcelona topped the list, with New York City, London, Nice (France), and Singapore rounding out the top five. In each instance, the use of smart technology improved quality of life, efficiency, and better overall functionality. Of course, there are myriad factors to consider when evaluating a city’s “smartness,” but considering how many moving parts – literally and figuratively – that it takes to create a smart infrastructure, the breadth of application is impressive. Barcelona’s comprehensive wired network drives an infrastructure that is constantly aggregating, transmitting and analyzing data for all kinds of things: The boxes are no regular electricity meters. They are fine-tuned computer systems, capable of measuring noise, traffic, pollution, crowds, even the number of selfies posted from the street. They are the future of Barcelona, and in some sense they are the future for all of us too. The hard drives are just one piece of what is “unusual” on this street, in fact. Cast your eyes down, and you might spot the digital chips plugged into garbage containers, or the soda-can-size sensors rammed into the asphalt under the parking spaces. The paragraph above not only highlights the often hidden aspects of smart cities – sensors, hard drives, boxes – but also the sheer magnitude of the data being collected from wherever possible. The technology that powers that data collection lies in the actual communication networks, which are powered by an array of RF, cellular and WiFi connections. Today, many of the devices that are responsible for collecting the data from the source – the access layer – are capable of hosting third-party, proprietary applications that can filter and transmit data in specific packages, turning Big Data into Smart Data. Lately, London has focused on green energy and environmental progress. The city launched an initiative to become a zero-emission city by 2050 with a combination of electric vehicles and public transportation. Sounds familiar, right? The actual mechanisms driving that initiative are not necessarily ground breaking: reduce combustion engines on the road, encourage people to use public transport. However, the technology has finally started to catch up. With smart traffic monitoring capabilities, public transportation can run more efficiently, keeping to strict schedules. Additionally, driverless vehicles can perhaps help lead a transportation infrastructure devoid of human-caused accidents, opening the road systems and, again, leading to greater efficiency. Smart Cities, Smart World Of course, the two examples above come at a high level. There are significant technologies driving the actual implementation of smart city devices, but the key factor is that the leaders of the respective cities understand the need for a stronger, smarter infrastructure. Many other cities are catching up – India often pops up with smart city initiatives, which is a fascinating case study based on the economic disparity of the country. Still, the drivers of the international IIoT goals often point to the development of smart cities as an ideal outcome based on the continued growth of connected technology.

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