Transforming SCADA As We Know It Through App Dev

Small- and mid-sized industrial organizations that are reliant upon Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems — like those in oil and gas, energy, utilities, and agriculture — are facing new pressures to meet market demands. In these environments, agility and operational efficiency are no longer “nice to have” but are now essential to survival. Operations managers at these smaller businesses constantly face demands to incorporate modern technology that requires increased connectivity across networks in order to automate, monitor and control the processes that optimize operational success (and limit risk/downtime). The challenge for many of these small- and mid-sized businesses is that they need to find solutions rugged enough to operate in harsh and remote field locations, while reliably monitoring data, executing logic locally and enabling visibility globally – all with limited resources. In many instances, a traditional SCADA system is hard on the pocket books and ROI is something that might only be achieved in the distant future. The good news is that technology providers have been listening and working to craft solutions for these businesses to ease the cost burden on the front end and expedite the ROI process. App Server Software Available Today Freshly available (as of today), App Server Software technology combines proven, industrially hardened 900 MHz wireless telemetry with the ability to program and host third-party applications, similar to a Linux-based Raspberry Pi embedded in an industrial Ethernet radio. Within the app server software solution, Industrial IoT (IIoT) developers have the ability to program with any language that is compatible with a Linux kernel, including: Python, Java, C++, Node-RED and Node.js development environments. The App Server software that FreeWave now offers comes pre-loaded with Node-RED, Python and MQTT for easy industrial IoT app development on multiple ZumLink 900 Series radio models. App-Based SCADA Systems With the app server software came the opportunity to transform SCADA. In order to support the small- and mid-sized businesses that face the costs of Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) type hardware and monthly recurring fees, the engineers at FreeWave have successfully built a prototype ZumDash Small SCADA app in Node-RED that is enabled by a ZumLink programmable radio. The prototype app is available at a fraction of the cost of traditional SCADA. The Small SCADA app enables reliable data collection; monitoring, and remote command and control functionality through triggers, alarms and actions. It supports analog, digital and HART data through a Modbus interface. It also provides a “dashboard” with user-defined status updates and data trend visualization from any web-based device. Essentially, the new app serves as a small SCADA replacement.   A Sample ZumDash Dashboard App Development Opportunities The Small SCADA app is only the beginning. Developers have a big opportunity to help transform operations across many industries through app dev at the edge. FreeWave wants to enable these developers through its pilot program. Participants will receive a complimentary hardware/software dev kit to write their own industrial IoT applications with easy-to-use developer tools. Learn more about the app-based SCADA system here: FreeWave Unveils ZumIQ App Server Software to Power IoT Programmability at the Edge

The Next Generation of IIoT: Micro & Macro Connectivity

From a consumer standpoint, the impact of IoT connectivity is clear. People can purchase smart home systems and automobiles with increasingly autonomous features. Looking at the potential changes to our daily lives in the coming years, all things point to connectivity. We are eyeing a future where we can monitor and control our homes, vehicles and business around the clock. The news stories are exciting and tangible because new products are frequently unveiled and we see them being used in our everyday lives. This impact has spread beyond the scope of the consumer market, which ultimately led to the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Traditional businesses, like those in utilities, oil/gas and agriculture, face a future that has the potential to transform entire industries due to the power of digital disruption. Despite the growing pains and challenges of “going digital,” industrial businesses face almost limitless potential to streamline operations and control large distributed networks with a level of precision that was previously impossible. As these industries pick up on the value of data and connectivity, next generation applications have emerged that will drive competition and increase productivity. Data and analytics will be available via the cloud and accessible from any device. And even better, the quality of data will be controlled through automation and the incorporation of third party applications. What this means for businesses is they will be able to monitor their networks on a micro level. This allows problems to be stopped in their tracks and for precise process adjustments that streamline operations. With third party applications, there is not only substantial business opportunity for developers, but there are endless possibilities for process control, security and operational apps that will drive down costs and support increased production. Most business decision makers are aware that there is no stopping digital transformation because research shows that it’s already happening. Many businesses are in the process of digital transformation and have already thought about these next generation systems and the research proves this: 75 percent of IoT providers say that big data and analytics are among the top skills they look for when adding talent to their teams. 50 percent of companies look to hire specialists in mobile development. A recent TechBullion article states: “they already have noticed the close relationship of mobile and IoT and plan to launch IoT projects for their businesses within the nearest 5 years.” Gartner says that by the end of 2017 demand mobile application development will grow five times faster than the number of IT companies able to meet this demand. A new report from Frost & Sullivan anticipates a trend in the transition from connected devices to the use of cognitive or predictive computing and sentient tools in the next 12-18 months. So what does this mean for industrial business? It means they need to invest now in the communication technologies that will deliver the data that is absolutely critical for future networking needs. It means they need to think about how they can enable programmability at all network endpoints – even at the edge. And lastly, it means they need to start working through the challenges of a digital shift now so they are prepared for an automated, connected future.

Node-RED: The IoT Programming Language No One is Talking About

Sussing out the key pieces of the Internet of Things is usually accompanied by caveats ranging from the established uncertainty of the future, the security problems of the present, and the legacy system integrations of the past. Industry gurus and thought leaders predict growth in the billions – dollars, devices, deployments, Cloud applications, etc. Networking experts waffle on standardization. Hardware providers sprint to keep up. But one of the critical pieces of the Industrial IoT is something you won’t find jumping off front-page headlines – yet: Node-RED, the programming tool for wiring together hardware devices developed by IBM, is the power behind the IoT throne, and no one is really talking about it. Lost amid the noise about ‘smartifying’ the world is the practical reality that unless you can figure out a way to seamlessly connect the hardware devices that comprise a smart network, you are essentially relying on the Cloud to run an overwhelming number of disparate applications – and that is assuming your network is near invincible. Since the Industrial IoT relies, in theory, equally upon Cloud and Edge device processing, developing software applications that can effectively run in both settings is crucial. This is where Node-RED comes in. According to, the open-source Node-RED ” … provides a browser-based editor that makes it easy to wire together flows using the wide range of nodes in the palette that can be deployed to its runtime in a single-click … [making it] easy to wire together flows using the wide range of nodes in the palette.” The essence of this tool is that engineers and operating technicians can create and configure applications easily, in real time, on Edge devices. Ideally, the pieces of code being used to create programs are reusable, meaning that the process can be learned by field operators without the need for a degree in computer science. The code is built on Node.js, the JavaScript runtime that frequently pops up on Raspberry Pi platforms due to its ease of use. So, if it is so easy, and so important, why is no one talking about it? The ongoing problem for the IIoT is the Wild West mentality: the no-holds-barred land grab has resulted in disparate hardware and software products that often require a combination of proprietary and open-sourced solutions. As a result, the actual mechanisms that drive the building of an IIoT network are often less talked about than the tangible pieces that come together to build that network. There are several considerations to keep in mind. First, the idea of IT/OT convergence has only just started to gain traction, so legacy solutions (especially in certain industries) haven’t quite crossed the threshold of multi-function. Second, the changing demographic of the workforces in the industrial sector means that the traditional gatekeepers, often not versed in software or computer programming, have been loathe to adopt solutions that require a whole new skill set. The result is that the idea of programming between devices and Cloud applications is in a relative infancy. Third – and still related to the workforce demographic – creating an entire workforce of people versed in both hardware engineering and computer programming is impractical. Those factors, along with several others related to the need for network functionality and data analytics, means that a solution like Node-RED is still not completely understood, and perhaps even more pertinent, still not widely adopted by industry leaders on both the hardware and software side. But it also means that it is more necessary than ever.

Rugged Wireless Radios for International OEM Applications

For original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and military applications around the world, operational success requires reliable data delivery. This 100 percent achievable with rugged wireless radio solutions. As Industrial IoT pushes for more connectivity, coupled with the surge in commercial use of unmanned aerial systems (UAS), the pressure for around the clock command and control (C2) links is higher than ever – and it’s happening on a global scale. To support these growing needs, FreeWave has announced the general availability of the MM2-5 Watt 1.3 GHz (13X5W) integrated radio. Offered in a small package for ease of integration, the MM2-13X5W features an external 5 Watt output, making it ideal for UAS, OEM and military applications where reliability is paramount and space is at a premium. These solutions can be leveraged to deliver important data in the U.S. and abroad for a wide variety of mission critical applications. The MM2-13X5W has a lot to offer starting with it’s built in versatility and the ability to function as a gateway, endpoint, repeater or endpoint/repeater. Security is a priority – each MM2 13X5W is equipped with proprietary frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) technology. It also features a line-of-sight range of up to 90 miles, and  can be deployed in international settings where lifesaving communications and security are paramount. A number of these use cases include UAS applications, soldier training, environmental monitoring and other government and defense needs. Next Generation UAS Applications As the commercial drone market rapidly expands, the number of use cases is filtering into new markets. Beyond the military scope, commercial UAS applications have the potential to completely transform the monitoring, control and data analysis processes for many industries. The MM2-13X5W is equipped to support this next wave of these UAS applications, including: Pipeline monitoring as a service – drones can help maintain safe and consistent visibility of the pipeline and deliver that critical data to the network. The small form factor and proven reliability means uninterrupted data transmission in remote settings. Homeland security apps –  recently, in the U.S., there have been many heated conversations around border protection. Many drone supporters believe that UAS can offer a cost effective way to monitor the nations borders. The U.S. border patrol even recently solicited contractors to build facial recognition drones. Drone delivery service – As we look at the future use of commercial UAS, drone delivery is a popular topic of conversation. We’re also seeing use cases where drones can deliver food and medicals supplies to high risk areas in third world countries. Precision Agriculture: Drones can enhance crop visibility, enabling smarter decisions and more food output. The potential impact of drones in precision agriculture is becoming recognized throughout the world. As the possibilities for commercial UAS continue to multiply, so does the need for secure C2 links for successful operations – and this is where the MM2-13X5W is an ideal solution. Additional Product Features The MM2-13x5W also features the following: 115.2 and 153.6 kbps selectable RF data rates TDMA, Super Epoch TDMA, and AES Encryption Performance tests from -40 degrees Celsius to +85 degrees Celsius Data link range up to 90 miles For more information about the MM2-13X5W, please visit:

International IIoT Perspectives: Precision Agriculture

In the United States, precision agriculture is one of the largest industries by both operational scale and economic impact. The technology utilized is typically on the cutting edge, especially for automation and control. Things like sensors, programmable radios and generally more complex software applications have allowed that industry to evolve, domestically, to a point where land and other resources are used optimally. Internationally, although there have been ‘smart’ or ‘precision’ practices in certain sectors of agriculture, many countries are just now starting to adopt the technology to its fullest extent, including the ability to innovate via start-ups and new practices. India & the Digital Agriculture Revolution According to an article in India Times (image credit), the country is aiming to secure a 20 percent stake in the IoT market share in the next five years through its ‘Digital India’ initiative. While many might look at India and think of the sprawling and diverse urban environments that could offer some potential complications for IoT, it is rural areas seeing the most interesting developments. There has been a noticeable growth in tele-medicine operations, which can allow patients in remote areas to interact with doctors for consultation, eliminating the need to get to a city, or vice versa. Perhaps an even greater area of growth lies in the agricultural realm. According to the article, agriculture employs 50 percent of the country’s population, so the potential for a digital revolution is high. Farmers are just starting to implement sensor technology, automation hardware, and even leading-edge tools like voluntary milking systems the allow cows to be milked on an automated machine according to biological needs. Israel’s Precision Ag Start-Up Community In Israel, where IoT technology is starting to mature, the name of the game is data collection and analytics. Mobile applications, sensor data collection hardware, and advanced analytics software are three areas that Israel is seeing significant market growth, according to Israel21c: Israel stands out in precision-ag subsectors of water management, data science, drones and sensors, says Stephane Itzigsohn, investment associate at OurCrowd. … “Multiple startups are aiming toward the same goal — providing good agricultural data — but approaching it from slightly different angles,” Itzigsohn tells ISRAEL21c. “One might use satellite images or aerial photography; another might use autonomous tractors. Not all will get to that peak in the long journey of farming becoming more efficient.” For example, CropX, an investor-backed advanced adaptive irrigation software solution, can be placed throughout a farming area and synced with a smart phone, allowing the operators to receive real-time data updates on things like soil and weather conditions. CropX is based in both Tel Aviv and San Francisco, indicating that the technology may be poised for wide international adoption in the future. Analytics Drive Italy’s Drought Recovery Italy is perhaps best known for a single agricultural export: wine. However, many would be surprised to find out that it is one of the top corn producers in the European Union, producing more than 7 million tons of corn in 2015, according to an RCR Wireless report. In 2016, the EU’s total corn output dropped noticeably due to year-long droughts affecting production. In Italy, start-up companies collaborated with industrial ag operations develop and deploy widespread soil sensor and water automation technology to help streamline farming practices and create a more efficient system for resource use. The technology allowed farmers to get a comprehensive look at their operations and identify high and low yield areas in order to better utilize the available space. Precision Agriculture and the Industrial IoT The continued maturation of IIoT technology is enabling countries around the globe to better utilize resources like water, energy, and land area to create better agricultural operations. As populations continue to expand, and food production becomes even more important, being able to connect these technologies across the globe could become a key factor in optimizing crop output in critical areas. Imagine the above farm in Italy being able to send its data to data scientists in Germany or the Eastern Europe who could in turn analyze it and provide actionable feedback. Or an industrial farm in Israel managing its yields sending that information in real-time around the country. These possibilities are not far off, and as the networks, hardware and software continue to be adapted, the future of precision ag internationally, will become the present.

Remote Tank Level Monitoring and Automation

Industrial livestock operations have several critical needs in order to function smoothly, but perhaps most important is also the most fundamental: water. On remote sites, tank level monitoring and automation are tools that can essentially make or break the entire operation. In many of these situations, the needs of the site managers are different, so in order to maximize the technology being deployed to drive the automation process, they need to be able to customize the functionality. For operations using radio communication networks, those radios need to provide maximum programmability in order to host third party applications specific to the needs of the site managers. We recently finished a deployment that serves as an excellent case study for remote site tank monitoring deployments and included some interesting uses of radio programmability: The operator of a Rocky Mountain based livestock facility approached FreeWave to assist in remote data visualization of water tanks that are vital to its operations. The pain point was that the tank levels could only be observed visually on premise. After consideration of the terrain (mountainous, remote and big temperature swings), sensors and communications infrastructure, FreeWave engineers recommended ZumLink IPR with the Node-RED programming language for intelligent tank data visualization via browser or mobile device. The facility has minimal to zero staff most of the time. If a fault occurs such as a leak that prevents a tank from filling, the facility operators are unaware until they visually inspect the remote faulty tank, located a half mile from property headquarters. The operators wanted to reduce the number of trips to the tank facility and remotely monitor all tanks via web-based browser or mobile device. For the complete case study, visit this link:

Do Drones Help or Hurt Wildfire Fighting?

Summer wildfire season is in full swing across North America, and the question of the utility of drones is once again in the headlines. The technology has proponents on both sides, but it has also been linked to several incidents, including the grounding of critical aircraft in a firefighting effort in Arizona. A key point of differentiation in this discussion is the use of personal drones, similar to the one mentioned in the article above, and commercial drones designed to serve a specific purpose in operations, similar to military or first responder deployments. The problem that firefighters face is the unauthorized use of personal drones, which can create dangerous situations for support aircraft like helicopters and tanker planes. Because firefighting aircraft fly at such low altitudes, they share the same airspace as commercial or personal drones, and at that altitude, one instance of interference can be deadly. A recent Quartz article pointed out the correlation between drone interference and the effect it can have on the people most impacted: civilians and the firefighters themselves: The drone problem has plagued fire departments for the last few years; In 2016, during Utah’s massive Saddle fire, a drone prevented firefighting planes from taking off—if the planes had been able to attack the fire from above, people would not have needed to be evacuated, according to Utah governor Gary Herbert. So far, in 2017, there have been 17 incidents of unauthorized drone disturbance in wildfire areas. In 2016, 40 such occurrences were recorded. In Colorado, firefighting crews are figuring out the most effective ways to use authorized unmanned aerial systems (UAS) to aid fire suppression tactics. When used in an official capacity, drones can be extremely useful. They can be used to survey landscape during a lightning storm when manned aircraft are grounded, or they can be used to deliver supplies to ground crews working in remote areas. Further, with new infrared technology, drones can be used to essentially automate the response protocol process to identify fires with the greatest threat potential, and dispatch the necessary resources before the fires explode out of control. Other leading-edge UAS applications for firefighters include drones that can be pre-programmed with Google Maps flight plans prior to launch, or drones that can stay in the air for hours with greater line-of-sight communications than ever before. The true difference between unauthorized and authorized UAS in wildfire fighting situations is the communication capabilities. When deployed correctly, authorized UAS can use TDMA technology to communicate with other aircraft in the area and ensure that no collisions or interference incidents occur. TDMA is a frequency channel access technique for shared communication networks, essentially enabling a more sophisticated way to drive Point-to-Multipoint communications. It allows multiple transceivers to access and share a single radio frequency channel without interference by dividing the signal into different transmission time slots. This enables swarming applications that enable multiple unmanned systems to operate autonomously, in tandem. For many personal drone users, the temptation to use this emerging technology to capture images or video is strong. Better cameras, greater operating distances and stronger communication capabilities have created a tool that can be both fun and useful for the average user. However, for wildland firefighters, the use of these unauthorized drones pose a serious threat to both their safety and the safety of the civilians they are tasked with protecting.

Manufacturing in the Age of IIoT

Few industries can claim such a foundational impact on the United States as the manufacturing industry. Modern manufacturing began with the birth of the assembly line and the transformational effect it had on the automobile industry. Companies then adopted that approach to product manufacturing and logistics. The early phases of the next generation of manufacturing appeared as machine-to-machine (M2M) communication, a forbearer of the concept behind the Internet of Things (IoT). Eventually, IoT became so broad that specific designations were needed to differentiate between the consumer and industrial side of things, thus paving the way for the Industrial IoT (IIoT). Today, manufacturing companies, while often on the leading edge of automation technology, are still scrambling to adapt to the explosion of sensors, communication platforms, big data and high-speed analytics to maximize efficiency and future-proof their products or designs. Some companies are touting the idea of retrofitting – a concept that has existed for some time – but some plant engineers may be wary of the need for continual updating to a system that is bound to become irrelevant at some point. Still, the process can be relatively painless, and is quickly becoming necessary, as Plant Magazine notes: … Most food manufacturing and processing plants have motors powering essential equipment such as mixers, conveyors and packaging machines. But they’re just motors. They don’t play in the same league as other intelligent devices. With years of service to go, it’s difficult for plant managers to justify replacing motors that work just to make an upgrade with smart features. But motors can connect to the IIoT without a complete overhaul. Instead of investing in new, more intelligent/smart equipment, consider investing in sensors that provide similar functionality to connected devices. Smart sensors attach to almost any standard low-voltage induction motor. Sensor technology is sophisticated enough to be small, functional and energy efficient. For certain kinds of manufacturing plants, a complete overhaul may not be necessary, and a ‘simple’ retrofitting process might easily solve the first part of the problem. The second part of the problem, or challenge, is that along with smart hardware, plants also need the software and data processing capabilities to keep pace. Some plant engineers are solving these challenges by deploying programmable radios capable of hosting third-party applications so that the data can be transmitted in smaller, highly specific packets, making the transport both fast and easier to push into predictive analytics platforms. From there, software companies are building in the ability to process data in the cloud, essentially running all critical data and software operations through either a fog or cloud computing process. Cloud software services have the potential to be highly customizable based on the needs of the manufacturing plant. These technologies are good examples of the ongoing convergence between traditional information technology (IT) and operations technology (OT) needs in industrial markets. Currently, the manufacturing industry is sitting in an interesting spot: leaders in the M2M world, but still adapting to the IoT world. Where the industry ends up in the next 10 years could be a strong indicator of the economic and financial temperature of the domestic and international marketplaces.

International IIoT Perspectives: Smart Cities

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is, at times, hard to pin down. The stronger the technology has gotten, the broader the applications have become, affecting everything from energy, to smart cities to manufacturing, and in the process, blurring the line between traditional consumer and industrial markets. Interestingly, in the United States, much of the Industrial IoT advancements have come from the private sector – oil and gas, utilities, precision agriculture, etc. International IIoT, however, has seen real advancements coming from cities – smart cities, that is. Smartest Cities in the World A 2015 article from Forbes provided a list of the top five smartest cities in the world based on a number of factors, including environmental monitoring, smart traffic management, data usage and creative tech applications.  Barcelona topped the list, with New York City, London, Nice (France), and Singapore rounding out the top five. In each instance, the use of smart technology improved quality of life, efficiency, and better overall functionality. Of course, there are myriad factors to consider when evaluating a city’s “smartness,” but considering how many moving parts – literally and figuratively – that it takes to create a smart infrastructure, the breadth of application is impressive. Barcelona’s comprehensive wired network drives an infrastructure that is constantly aggregating, transmitting and analyzing data for all kinds of things: The boxes are no regular electricity meters. They are fine-tuned computer systems, capable of measuring noise, traffic, pollution, crowds, even the number of selfies posted from the street. They are the future of Barcelona, and in some sense they are the future for all of us too. The hard drives are just one piece of what is “unusual” on this street, in fact. Cast your eyes down, and you might spot the digital chips plugged into garbage containers, or the soda-can-size sensors rammed into the asphalt under the parking spaces. The paragraph above not only highlights the often hidden aspects of smart cities – sensors, hard drives, boxes – but also the sheer magnitude of the data being collected from wherever possible. The technology that powers that data collection lies in the actual communication networks, which are powered by an array of RF, cellular and WiFi connections. Today, many of the devices that are responsible for collecting the data from the source – the access layer – are capable of hosting third-party, proprietary applications that can filter and transmit data in specific packages, turning Big Data into Smart Data. Lately, London has focused on green energy and environmental progress. The city launched an initiative to become a zero-emission city by 2050 with a combination of electric vehicles and public transportation. Sounds familiar, right? The actual mechanisms driving that initiative are not necessarily ground breaking: reduce combustion engines on the road, encourage people to use public transport. However, the technology has finally started to catch up. With smart traffic monitoring capabilities, public transportation can run more efficiently, keeping to strict schedules. Additionally, driverless vehicles can perhaps help lead a transportation infrastructure devoid of human-caused accidents, opening the road systems and, again, leading to greater efficiency. Smart Cities, Smart World Of course, the two examples above come at a high level. There are significant technologies driving the actual implementation of smart city devices, but the key factor is that the leaders of the respective cities understand the need for a stronger, smarter infrastructure. Many other cities are catching up – India often pops up with smart city initiatives, which is a fascinating case study based on the economic disparity of the country. Still, the drivers of the international IIoT goals often point to the development of smart cities as an ideal outcome based on the continued growth of connected technology.

Utilities & IIoT: The ‘Perfect Storm’ Meets the Revolution

In early 2017, John Kennedy at SiliconRepublic declared the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) the ‘perfect storm’ – a convergence of technologies with the capacity to create new economic benefits based on operational efficiency. On these blog pages, we’ve covered many different facets of industries adopting intelligent communication technologies likes sensors, programmable radios, and powerful analytics tools, but one industry in particular seems poised for the greatest upheaval: utilities. Many industry experts are pointing at utility markets as poised for revolution.  So, what happens when the ‘perfect storm’ meets the revolution? Critical Infrastructure Transformation Given the way the human population is dispersed in the United States (and abroad), cities play a huge role in driving the growth of IIoT technologies in utilities. Water and wastewater treatment plants are perhaps one of the most important (and overlooked) pieces to modern infrastructure. Without these plants, after 1-2 uses, most of the water in North America would be unusable. Instead, companies are using sensors and other connected monitoring devices to create smart data that informs decision making, eliminates variables, and improves effective responsiveness. Similarly, the electric grid has seen significant transformation as well. In the era of the smart grid, we now have the ability to monitor grid activity more closely, deploy electricity more efficiently based on usage spikes, and allow consumers to track their own energy usage. The residual effect of this tracking is, perhaps, an increased awareness of how we use energy on a daily basis and could lead to better individual conservation efforts. Alternative Energy On The Rise And speaking of conservation efforts, with the ability to use energy more efficiently, alternative energy has exploded as viable alternatives to our traditional resources. Wind power has grown into a consistent source of energy, but for years, operators needed a better way to monitor the energy systems. Today, IIoT technology not only allows better monitoring, but provides real-time management capabilities for operators. The name of the game is efficiency, and if the operations are efficient, then the usage can be efficient as well. Business Convergence Since utility companies are now better equipped to understand when and how resources are being used or deployed, they can streamline some of the day-to-day operations by building a network of smaller solutions that are specifically designed to meet niche needs, creating more business opportunities for both traditional and alternative utility providers. Although many doomsday scenarios point to increased automation as the death of the worker, with a greater diversity of solutions, the economic impact might actually provide more jobs instead of fewer. Relying on the traditional model of the last half-century, however, does not. Ultimately, we are still looking at an industry that is right on the cusp of revolution. Utilities have, historically, been slightly slower to respond to technology overhauls at a high level, but with the added efficiency and financial benefits that accompany IIoT adoption, companies are rethinking old strategies and pushing into a new frontier – confronting the ‘perfect storm’ head-on to ensure the best possible landscape once the dust settles.

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