Ships that Sail Themselves

Is it time for ships to sail off on a journey by themselves? As the Internet of Things (IoT) connects the world, while the robotics industry continues to innovate, man and machine are merging together like never before. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have impacted a number of industries from agriculture to security. If recent news is correct, it won’t be long before autonomous cars are traveling roads alongside us. Now, organizations and government agencies around the world are actively working to bring autonomous vessels to our oceans. What can we expect from unmanned ships operating in our largest bodies of water? IoT and robotics are being considered for a variety of commercial and military purposes at sea. For most of the world, it seems autonomous ships are in the testing phase, but there are big plans in the works around the globe: The British engine maker Rolls Royce Holdings, PLC is leading the Advanced Autonomous Waterborne Applications initiative with several other organizations and universities. The company is eyeing a timeline of remotely controlled ships setting sail by 2030 with completely autonomous ships in service by 2035. The timeline will be heavily dependent upon automation technologies’ ability to carry large amount of data from ship to shore to ensure safe operations. Recently, the UK’s Automated Ships Ltd and Norway’s Kongsberg Maritime, unveiled plans for a light-duty ship for surveying, delivering cargo to offshore installations and launching and recovering smaller remote-controlled and autonomous vehicles. “This ship is considered the world’s first unmanned ship for offshore operations and is being eyed for many uses including offshore energy, fish farming and scientific industries.” In the U.S., the Navy has begun to consider autonomous ships for a number of applications, but is cautiously approaching these new technology advancements. According to National Defense Magazine, “The Navy for now appears to be in no hurry to pour big money into drone ships and submarines. And there is little tolerance these days for risky gambles on technologies.” However, the article acknowledges that robots at sea could help do the jobs that are dangerous or costly for human operators, such as hunting enemy submarines, detonating sea mines, medical evacuations and ship repairs. The European Union (EU) appears to have a vested interest in sea robotics. As infrastructure costs rise for improving rails and roads, they have begun to seek alternative ways to move large quantities of cargo. According to Maritime Executive they have, “had a long-term goal of making short sea shipping more competitive with road and rail transport, which is under stress from the transportation bottlenecks caused by increasing volumes of internal trade.” As the EU faces massive infrastructure costs to upgrade road and rail, there is increased attention and effort directed at the “motorways of the sea.” The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has been testing a robotic ship called the “Continuous Trail Unmanned Vessel,” and has been running sea trials on its radar system. The radar is fastened to a parasail that enables heights of 500-1,500 feet. These are just a few of the autonomous vessel projects in the works. In order for unmanned vessels to operate, it is clear the ability to transport data in massive amounts will play a critical role in the success and safety of those sharing the sea with autonomous ships. As technologies evolve to meet these big data needs, we can eventually expect to see more unmanned vessels in the sea, improving offshore applications, making human jobs safer, and creating new efficiencies for organizations looking to optimize international trade.

IIoT Top News: What the Industry Experts Say

Living in a 24-7 news cycle, it is best to take a break from all your favorite news outlets and go back to the basics. Industry analysts today are charged with giving their audience an unbiased report of their findings, that’s why this week’s top IIoT news is dedicated to seeking out some of the industry expert opinions in this ever-changing digital world. Let’s start by looking at Ovum’s 2015 key theme for the oil & gas industry. According to Ovum, more modernization of IT platforms will continue to help reduce the disconnect from the IT stone-age equipment to the modern real-time IIoT, thus allowing companies to improve their overall decision making process. A closer look at Forrester, we find security topping the list for 2016. In a recent report, Forrester is quick to call out the shortsighted firms for not realizing the importance of implementing proper security measures to protect the collection of data. It is recommended that firms stop focusing on the lowest possible cost to secure data, and turn the focus into the best way to keep and maintain quality information safely. On another digital front, Gartner predicts that by 2016 6.4 billion IoT devices will be in use, and only sees that number soaring with an estimated 20.8 billion things connected by 2020. Overall, we heard about the need to bring ethics to data, and predictions of how data will be turned into insight and action in the coming year. Other reports included the top digital trends and how those trends fit into the new digital mesh landscape. Additionally, we learned about revolutionary IIoT operational ideas for the future and a big data forecast for 2016 and beyond. Hope you enjoy this week’s research related reading! Bringing ethics to data, a board-level agenda item (OVUM) The challenge facing companies today is, what practices should be put in place to handle the large scale, data being collected. Tom Pringle reiterates the assertive stance Ovum has taken when it comes to the ethics of big data, “If data holds the potential to benefit many, it also has the potential to harm many (as an unexpected outcome, or purposefully negative).”   Forrester’s 2016 Predictions: Turn Data into Insight and Action In the 2016 Forrester predictions, Brian Hopkins, Enterprise Architecture Professional has broken the it up with three major shifts, that will help turn data into insight and action. Hopkins is quoted as saying, “Machine learning will replace manual data wrangling and data governance dirty work.”   Top Ten Digital Trends Signal the Digital Mesh (Gartner) David Clearley, vice president and Gartner fellow details the top digital trends and how those trends fit into the new digital mesh landscape. The fifth trend on Gartner’s list is advanced machine learning, Clearley believes that, “Advanced machine learning is what makes smart machines appear “intelligent” by enabling them to both understand concepts in the environment, and also to learn.” This area is quickly evolving, now is the time to figure out what technologies your company needs so you can have the competitive advantage.   Convergence in the Plant Asset Management (PAM) Market (Frost & Sullivan) In this detailed plan from Frost & Sullivan, they see IoT driving the next generation of improvements with predictive analytics. Furthermore, in the plant asset management (PAM) market Frost & Sullivan sees the, “Industry initiatives, including Industry 4.0, Smart Manufacturing, and applications of Internet of Industrial Things (IoT) technologies are revolutionizing operations and maintenance, enabling the cost-effective connectivity of a wide variety of asset classes.”   New IDC Forecast Sees Worldwide Big Data Technology and Services Market Growing to $48.6 Billion in 2019 A new report from IDC forecasts the enormous expansion of both big data worldwide and the services market by 2019. IDC predicts that, “The Big Data market continues to exhibit strong momentum as businesses accelerate their transformation into data-driven companies.”  

IoT Emerge Recap

IoT Emerge bounced on the scenes of Chicago this week. Yes, aside from the long awaited World Series win, an IoT conference was happening in this windy, action-packed town. The conference boasted two days of keynotes, technical sessions, workshops, live demonstrations, hands-on training and plenty of opportunities for networking with industry peers. The IoT Emerge mission is to continue to educate and promote cross-industry functions with a focus in Industrial IoT, smart cities and IoT engineering. Below, we’ve highlighted the best moments from the week. IoT Emerge: What have we learned? Back in 2011, research firm Gartner said the Worlds of IT and Operational Technology Are Converging. We believe IT/OT convergence is a critical concept: it promotes a single view of an enterprise’s information and employs process management tools to help ensure that every person, machine, sensor, switch, device, etc. in an organization has accurate information in the best format and at the right time. We learned optimizing the business process is vitally important. Decisions will be made in real time with higher levels of confidence because more information will be available regarding the event or condition. For example, load shed or curtailment events will be based on energy availability (IT sources) and demand throughout the distribution network (OT sources). Event management in an IT/OT converged networkwill execute as a closed loop process by targeting a feeder or substation, issuing curtailment signals to customers under that substation or feeder. This gauges real-time response and repeats as required to achieve the target reduction time. What other insights did we gain from IoT Emerge? Myths about IoT Engineering: The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is not ready to support predictive analytics With commentary from Eddie Garcia @freewavetech | Published on @ElectronicDesgn “When most people think about the IIoT, they think of machine-to-machine communications (mostly supported by RF technology) that have dominated the industrial sector for years. However, the convergence of IT and OT practices have seen intelligence moved closer to the access layer than ever before. New communication platforms have improved to the point where big data transport can come directly from the sensors at the edge (OT) all the way to the servers in the back office (IT). The industrial sector is closer than it’s ever been to supporting the future of data collection, transport, and aggregation, ultimately resulting in the huge data sets necessary to support predictive analytics at the IT/OT level.” IoT Emerge and Up-Close and Personal IoT Experience By @JKerns10 | Published on @MachineDesign “As IoT applications and case studies start piling up, some companies still wonder where the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) fits in their production lines. There’s lots of information on the internet about the IIoT, such as how IIoT worked in one application or how much a company could save by using a specific IIoT product. While examples and case studies offer ideas on how IIoT might fit your production line, having a chance to talk to experts directly about your applications and concerns can help ease concerns.” IoT Emerge: Looking ahead to the future By @IoTEmerge | Published on @cote_se IoT Emerge a chance to shed light on the possible digital future. Smart cities and Industrial IoT top the watch list. Along with the conference buzz, conference organizer Penton Publishing also launched the IoT Institute aimed at educating the growing IoT world. Color your IoT World By @IoTEmerge Coloring is not just for the kiddos. IoT Emerge worked with local Chicago artist Rawfa to create a wall sized coloring book. Conference goers got to take a break from the IoT information overload and color to their harts content. Industry thought leaders did an excellent job representing the broad range of emerging IoT applications this year, and as we move steadily toward the close of 2016, it’s clear that we can expect some exciting and innovative technology applications in the not-too-distant future.

IoT Weekly Roundup

The IoT weekly roundup is designed to share the latest and most interesting news from the past week. As the industrial and consumer IoT space continues to heat up, we decided to uncover some very unique IoT applications that many didn’t even know existed. As the connected world continues to advance in the emerging digital age, virtually every facet of our lives is now being impacted by the IoT. In this week’s addition of IoT weekly roundup, we explore M2M, sensors, automation, drones and IoT language. Dive in and enjoy this week’s highlights! Weekly Roundup of News How M2M and IoT enable new data-intensive applications By @dhdeans | Published on @TTech_News “During the last couple of years, machine-to-machine (M2M) technology has become an integral part of the services offered by global telecom providers and a significant revenue stream for M2M app specialists. They’ve developed comprehensive offerings, designed to reduce costs and increase efficiency.”   Sonar Mapping Sensors Help Understand Where Life Can be Found Underwater By Brooks Hays | Published on @UPI “New maps charted using sonar sensors have revealed the importance of ‘marine snow’ to the distribution of biomass on the ocean floor. Until now, mapping the ocean floor’s terrain, as well as distribution of marine snow and biomass, has proven difficult.”   Rail and Production Technology Parallels When it Comes to Automation By @DJGreenfield | Published on @automationworld “Explaining the IoT trend in rail, Weatherburn said that IoT is increasing interest in greater connectivity for operations optimization reasons. It’s also driving a move away from proprietary protocols and toward greater use of standard Ethernet. He noted that this is particularly true in rail when it comes to the delivery of communications and entertainment for the railway customer, pointing out that the rail industry is looking to carry both sets of data over standard Ethernet.”   Indie Sci-fi Film Shot Entirely by Autonomous Drones By @trentlmoore | Published on @blastr “Drone cameras are being used in just about everything nowadays, from sports coverage to emergency response, but what happens when you shoot a movie entirely from the sky?” The connected IoT is spawning a new vocabulary By @pmcfedries | Published on @IEEESpectrum “A big chunk of the Internet of Things consists of wireless transceivers combined with sensors, which can reside in appliances, devices, clothes, machinery, buildings—just about anything physical. Of course, the phrase ‘wireless transceiver combined with sensors’ is unwieldy, so such a node of the IoT is called a mote (short for remote).”   As we conclude our IoT weekly roundup, we hope you enjoyed learning about all the new applications and insights related to the powerful force of the Internet and connected technologies. Now go out and see what other IoT applications you can uncover!

Seismic Shift in IIoT Monitoring

There’s been a seismic shift in monitoring earthquakes via the  Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) with advanced Machine-to-Machine (M2M) technology have reshaped the industrial communication industry. Every device or machine along the network, even at the outermost edge, now has the opportunity to be fully-connected for automated collection and delivery of information. As Sensor-2-Server (S2S) communication technology evolves to keep up with the demand for this connectivity paradigm, new efficiencies are created and Big Data is available to drive actionable intelligence. Seismic Shift Data that Saves Lives The sheer quantity of available data, combined with the speed of automation can support mission critical applications that are designed to save lives. Research centers can leverage IoT networks to relay critical data in real-time from areas where earthquakes are a common threat to people living nearby. While natural events like earthquakes and volcanos are not avoidable or fully predictable, an IoT network can potentially help reduce the level of devastation through close, reliable seismic monitoring via highly sensitive and advanced sensor technology. S2S communications monitor and send data from remote areas where Earth changes are first detected, to the monitoring authorities who are closely tracking seismic activity. S2S solutions leveraged for early detection of these events can enable authorities to warn citizens in advance to take appropriate precautionary measures. When robust, rapid, real-time monitoring is combined with effective emergency communications, human casualties can be significantly decreased. Seismic Shift and the Ever Changing Landscape IoT has been adopted at such a rapid pace that the demand for modern, sophisticated communication technology is driving constant changes in remote, industrial communication networks that will further advance applications like seismic monitoring. These changes have clearly disrupted the traditional Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) market. While SCADA systems are not obsolete, industries like environmental monitoring will continue to leverage new technologies designed to help seismologists make more informed decisions than with just SCADA alone. Now, network operators can evolve and adapt their monitoring programs over time through the IoT with edge devices that allow third-party software applications to be deployed network-wide. This has not only opened new doors for software developers, but it opens up the opportunity for advancements in environmental monitoring to further improve natural event monitoring. Fast and accurate data transport from the sensor networks in seismic monitoring therefore requires robust and reliable technology that doesn’t fail in remote and sometimes harsh environments. RF technology, for example, is advancing to help field crews make intelligent decisions and closely monitor the elements that can help delivery early warning for natural events. Find us at JavaOne this Week

Who Needs Rugged, Outdoor Wi-Fi Networks?

When we think about Wi-Fi, we tend to lean towards the idea of connections that allow us to access our mobile devices. With a Wi-Fi connection we can stream videos, access our apps, check email, work and basically manage our digital lives. In non-traditional settings, the need for outdoor Wi-Fi connectivity is increasing, but it is accompanied by some unique challenges. Outdoor Wi-Fi  Connectivity Industries that operate mostly outdoors are finding a greater need for Wi-Fi connectivity. Campgrounds are providing Wi-Fi as both an amenity and as a tracking and booking tool for managers and campers alike. Golf courses have deployed industrial-scale Wi-Fi networks to monitor irrigation, golfers and other assets throughout a course, and marinas are using Wi-Fi networks for both communication and vessel management needs. There has also been a strong uptick in the use of industrial Wi-Fi networking for security programs and disaster response. Companies can use  high-speed Voice, Video, Data and Sensor (VVDS) data transport as building blocks for a security network capable of real-time monitoring. These Wi-Fi solutions are especially ideal for video monitoring, as they provide the bandwidth necessary to transport large amounts of data. Disaster response has also been an ideal application for industrial-scale Wi-Fi. Often times, cell networks can get knocked out during environmental disasters, effectively eliminating a critical component for communication. Today, organizations can deploy these Wi-Fi platforms on vehicles or other response assets that can enable communications in emergency or disaster situations. For any industry with outdoor operations, assets will be exposed to the worst natural elements – extreme heat, freezing temperatures, heavy snow, strong wind, dust storms and more. The challenge is finding a shorthaul, Wi-Fi solution that is rugged and secure enough to withstand the elements, but also advanced enough to enable new types of high-speed, high throughput application solutions. Rugged Wi-Fi Communication Solutions There are solutions designed for robust, secure transport of VVDS information for the edge devices in industrial communication networks. These rugged, shorthaul communication networks are specifically designed for outdoor Wi-Fi connectivity and have proven reliability in extreme environmental conditions. These types of solutions are ideal for oil and gas, utilities, mining, power plants, municipalities, disaster recovery or any other type of industrial applications. They also suit innovative deployments at golf courses, marinas, campgrounds and other settings that require outdoor Wi-Fi connectivity. How would you like to have Wi-Fi connectivity for your own outdoor networks? FreeWave just launched a new contest and the winner will receive their own network of rugged, outdoor Wi-Fi solutions. Enter Today! Contest Closed Enter today for a chance to win FreeWave’s award-winning WavePro WP201shorthaul and Wi-Fi solution. Contest entrants must provide a high-level account of the application of the WavePro, along with a description of the need for the platform. Winners will be announced at the close of the entry period. To enter the contest, please visit  Submissions are due by September 30.

Smart Golf Courses = A Hole in One!

Smart golf courses are coming to a green near you. A modern day golf course requires many things, including real-time monitoring for irrigation and pump systems, automated vehicle location capabilities for carts and players, and the ability to provide employees with the internet connectivity necessary to manage the sprawls of the course itself. As a result, golf course managers are turning toward some of the cutting edge Internet of Things solutions on the market to meet that demand. As far as preferred pastimes go, golf ranks relatively highly for young and old alike. In fact, according to the National Golf Foundation, there are more than 15,000 18-hole golf courses throughout the United States. The American Society of Golf Course Architects estimates that a full-size golf course would need up to 200 acres of usable land, which means that courses in the U.S. take up at least three million acres. By comparison, that’s nearly three times the size of the Grand Canyon National Park. With that in mind, the management of golf courses is a minor feat in advanced agricultural practices and logistics. Smart Golf Course Solution For one Colorado course, the smart golf course solution to its connectivity conundrum lay in the deployment of an industrial-scale Wi-Fi network capable of handling communication, accessibility and maintenance needs. Course managers selected a dual-band, mesh networking platform that provides Wi-Fi coverage in the necessary areas, and with the help of the provider, set up a network that strategically positioned the platforms so that devices and sensors could remain connected via the mesh networking capabilities as they moved from place to place. However, any outdoor Wi-Fi network does come along with its challenges. For example, another factor that golf courses need to consider when determining the best networking option is the weather. Although most courses are situated in areas that don’t typically draw extremely cold temperatures, many are consistently faced with hot or humid climates that can knock networks offline as the communication platforms succumb to the elements. The last thing any course manager wants is to have their communication network fail, especially if that impacts their customer experience. Adopting ruggedized outdoor networking and communications solutions means being confident that the platforms are designed to function without failure – even in areas with extreme weather events or consistently hot temperatures. Additionally, to ensure that the data being collected from irrigation and pump systems is being delivered in real-time allows grounds teams to monitor and predict when the systems are in need of maintenance, or when certain areas of the course are in greater need of water than others, for instance. Today, grounds crews can track this data via handheld devices that can quickly aggregate and analyze data, rather than spend time manually checking each individual service point. Although modern golf courses often look pristine to players and observers alike, upkeep and ongoing service requires constant attention. As these courses begin to deploy more advanced networking systems to become smart in its communication and monitoring practices, the ability for courses to streamline workflow and maintenance needs will only continue to grow.

The Glue that Holds Our “Connected” Dreams Together

Image courtesy of Flickr Creative Commons The visage of our “smart” or “connected” destiny is often presented to us in broad strokes: self-driving vehicles, connected homes, logistics, wearables – the list continues on with each piece of evolving and maturing technology. Smart cities have a bright future, and the application possibilities seem expansive, but often lost in the conversation is the technology that actually enables the connected world. Within a smart city – or even at a micro level – within one specific industry deploying smart technology, are a wide range of considerations: how much data are we transporting? How will we transport that data? How can we make our system intelligent? Where do we need to install these intelligence-driving platforms? How can we connect our data, operational technology and information technology to the necessary access points? Who/what has access to this data and control over these machines? These are only a few of the considerations that companies must address that are responsible for the industrial services driving cities and municipalities. While security is indeed a critical piece of this landscape, before any kind of connected or smart city can be achieved, the literal communication platform upon which that connectivity is deployed must first be implemented in a way that is not only compatible with current technology, but that will also be compatible with future technologies as well. From our perspective, there are five critical elements behind a smart city connected infrastructure: Robust Cloud Services Infrastructure designed to support all consumers of smart city deliverables Core Network Architecture that can rapidly expand in bandwidth and reach Extended Access Layer network architecture that incorporates a wide range of wired and wireless technologies to reach every sensor and device or that needs to connect to the smart city infrastructure A wide range of reporting devices such as sensors, visibility devices and other end points that create the data that makes a smart city work Distributed intelligence technology that allows for local execution of applications at the access layer plus global communication of data/analytics and information While each one of these tools is important in its own right, there is a common, underlying thread that connects them: each facet depends on a robust, reliable and secure communication platform. For smart cities, these communication platforms must be capable of enabling multiple methods of connectivity, but most importantly, they must be able to provide industrial-strength Wi-Fi. Wireless connectivity is the backbone of communication between the sensors that power all facets of the connected industrial infrastructure and the big data transport that is critical to the analytics that power “smart” enterprise. Not all industrial Wi-Fi platforms are created equal, and one of the major questions facing the ongoing development of smart infrastructure centers on how to ensure that these networks are secure and compatible across multiple, and sometimes proprietary, technologies. This certainly opens up a veritable can of worms, including the idea of standardization, but without the driving force of reliable and robust communication technology, most smart city dreams will remain just that – a dream.

IoT Top News: A Sensor Driven World

Much of the world around us is becoming driven by sensors, where we are able to track and map numerous possibilities with countless M2M and IoT solutions. So, we wanted to highlight some of the trending use applications of sensors today. The Army is looking at installing sensors to their combat soldiers The Army is looking for a way to better track the health and well-being of their soldiers in combat, and current health fitness sensors have too many irregular findings. Jennings Brown with Vocativ informs us that “The United States Department of Defense is interested in monitoring the health of soldiers in real-time.”   Although it is interesting to see Army uses of sensors. One must ask how sensors impact the industry at large? IoT is responsible for propelling sensors further into our world. Recent findings from ABI Research show that you can’t have one without the other — meaning, as we continue to explore the numerous IoT and M2M solutions it is only natural that we also see a dramatic increase in sensors used across the board. Peter Clarke with EET Asia reports, “ABI Research reckons sensors and peripherals will be 65 percent of an installed base of 47 billion units by 2021, double the 2016 level.”   The latest IoT Sensors Market Report for 2015-2023 sheds light on the global growth of sensors. An increased demand for sensors is expected to impact the industrial and automotive IoT sectors according the the recent ReportBuyer’s IoT Sensors Market research. Electronic News has shared the latest  findings from the ReportBuyer’s IoT Sensors Market 2015-2023 report which states, ” There will be a number of opportunities for the global IoT sensors market. One such opportunity is the increasing development of ‘smart cities’ around the world. IoT sensors will need to be used in aspects such as smart meters, smart grids, intelligent traffic management systems and smart packing, among others.”   Sensors are being used in both industrial and consumer IoT applications across the board. As technology improves, it is now easier to create higher quality sensors for a fraction of the cost, opening the doors for more industrial and consumer IoT applications. Mary Catherine O’Connor with IoT Journal believes that with the growth of IoT sensor applications,  That means there is a big opportunity for systems integrators in this market. There may also be an opportunity for companies that develop their own sensor-integration capabilities. It will be fascinating to watch the market develop.”   With that said, we can’t forget to realize that implementation of any IoT sensors will require a sensor-2-server plan, that will ensure the data makes it safely in real-time to the intended end-user.

Fog Computing: Answering the IoT Challenge

Fog Computing is being touted as the data communication solution our Internet of Things (IoT) devices are asking for by bringing the power of cloud computing closer to the end user. The fact is, the number of connected devices is going to continue to grow exponentionally. In fact, Gartner predicts that by 2020 IoT will include 26 billion connected things. Consider the impact that amount of data collected and processed will have.   The Challenge Naturally, with billions of devices all connected to the cloud for manufacturing, oil and gas, utilities, municipalities and enterprise, to name a few, the data transmission and processing rate is bound to slow down – especially if the current cloud architecture is upheld. Some IoT devices use the cloud to store data long term, where other connected things send data to the cloud to be analyzed and sent back to the devicewith operational instructions. Ahmed Banafa with SemiWiki explains, “As dependence on our newly connected devices increases along with the benefits and uses of a maturing technology, the reliability of the gateways that make the IoT a functional reality must increase and make up-time a near guarantee.”   What is Fog Computing? Fog Computing is a term coined by Cisco, that offers a way to analyze the data closer to the IoT device, thus saving valuable milliseconds. It may be hard to believe, but a millisecond has the power to prevent a M2M line shut-down, increase the speed at which power is restored to utilities and prevent an oil rig from leaking, just to name a few. An easy way to visually understand where Fog Computing fits in our IoT world, is by looking at the diagram above. It clearly shows that Fog Computing hangs between the cloud and the device, much like the fog on an early San Francisco morning. Fog Computing operates at the network edge, extending the cloud capabilities closer to the source (IoT device). Each IoT connection works with what’s called Fog Nodes to digest the intelligent data and then coordinate operational next steps, whether that be acting directly and or transmitting results to the cloud. The diagram below covers the types of response times IoT devices face from both Fog Nodes and main cloud locations.   Fog Computing Brings Efficiency to Enterprise A recent report by Machina Research highlights the companies that pioneered Fog Computing and those poised to capitalize on the benefits in their near future. These companies are able to collect, protect, transport and control the data via IoT devices at the edge of the network, saving time and creating a more stream-line approach to sending and receiving data efficiently and more securely. Overall, as our need to connect explodes, we will not only need to think about IoT, but also the way in which intelligent data is processed from the critical infrastructure and back to the cloud. Fog Computing will continue to open more efficient channels across our IoT, as long as we allow it.

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