IoT Weekly Roundup

The IoT weekly roundup is designed to share the latest and most interesting news from the past week. As the industrial and consumer IoT space continues to heat up, we decided to uncover some very unique IoT applications that many didn’t even know existed. As the connected world continues to advance in the emerging digital age, virtually every facet of our lives is now being impacted by the IoT. In this week’s addition of IoT weekly roundup, we explore M2M, sensors, automation, drones and IoT language. Dive in and enjoy this week’s highlights! Weekly Roundup of News How M2M and IoT enable new data-intensive applications By @dhdeans | Published on @TTech_News “During the last couple of years, machine-to-machine (M2M) technology has become an integral part of the services offered by global telecom providers and a significant revenue stream for M2M app specialists. They’ve developed comprehensive offerings, designed to reduce costs and increase efficiency.”   Sonar Mapping Sensors Help Understand Where Life Can be Found Underwater By Brooks Hays | Published on @UPI “New maps charted using sonar sensors have revealed the importance of ‘marine snow’ to the distribution of biomass on the ocean floor. Until now, mapping the ocean floor’s terrain, as well as distribution of marine snow and biomass, has proven difficult.”   Rail and Production Technology Parallels When it Comes to Automation By @DJGreenfield | Published on @automationworld “Explaining the IoT trend in rail, Weatherburn said that IoT is increasing interest in greater connectivity for operations optimization reasons. It’s also driving a move away from proprietary protocols and toward greater use of standard Ethernet. He noted that this is particularly true in rail when it comes to the delivery of communications and entertainment for the railway customer, pointing out that the rail industry is looking to carry both sets of data over standard Ethernet.”   Indie Sci-fi Film Shot Entirely by Autonomous Drones By @trentlmoore | Published on @blastr “Drone cameras are being used in just about everything nowadays, from sports coverage to emergency response, but what happens when you shoot a movie entirely from the sky?” The connected IoT is spawning a new vocabulary By @pmcfedries | Published on @IEEESpectrum “A big chunk of the Internet of Things consists of wireless transceivers combined with sensors, which can reside in appliances, devices, clothes, machinery, buildings—just about anything physical. Of course, the phrase ‘wireless transceiver combined with sensors’ is unwieldy, so such a node of the IoT is called a mote (short for remote).”   As we conclude our IoT weekly roundup, we hope you enjoyed learning about all the new applications and insights related to the powerful force of the Internet and connected technologies. Now go out and see what other IoT applications you can uncover!

App Development for the Industrial IoT

According to sources, a staggering 5.5 million new devices are connected daily to an increasingly crowded IoT space with an estimated 6.4 billion devices currently “connected.” By 2020, Gartner is predicting as much as 25 billion things will be connected. A lot of the value that both people and companies will derive from these devices heavily depends upon interoperability, which places an emphasis on app development. When we say IoT , the term”things,” generally focuses on a group of devices large or small that can be connected wirelessly by sensors to the internet, each other and or the main base station. Chunka Mui with Forbes believes that, “The Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical objects imbued with information and communications technologies. It brings together many of the key technologies that will make or break every information intensive company.”   App development for the Industrial IoT vs. consumer IoT We are use to finding new apps for our phones, smart homes and cars, but what about industrial applications? Contrary to what you might think, Industrial IoT app development surpasses the consumer side when it comes to compensation. In fact the Industrial IoT global market is projected to reach $319 billion dollars by 2020. Unlike their consumer counterparts, Industrial IoT may not come with out-of-the-box, ready to launch applications, and may require various modifications depending on the industry. The focus for Industrial development has been in translating big data in real-time with the use of Sensor-2-Server solutions. More reasons developers should jump on the Industrial IoT app train A few of the top reasons to develop applications for Industrial IoT are as follows: A chance to change your town–by assisting municipalities in becoming smarter cities; allowing you to create your vision–along with 18.5 million professional developers around the globe designing data capture analytics that can be translated in the digital ecosystem; and finally to open up the channel of revenues with the $235 billion dollars annually spent on IoT services. Today, a developer wanting to dive into this untapped market can start by leveraging the developer community sites with Github, Predix, or Intel’s hub to name a few. Jennifer Riggins with Programmable Web reminds us that, “The most important way to prepare yourself for the Industrial Internet of Things is to stay inquisitive.” After understanding the need for these complex industrial applications, the next challenge lies in cultivating best practices to replicate success within industry 4.0. Although the market is primed for the developer picking, it will still take trial and error, as it does with any new technology to fine tune more of an industrial application engine. As more resources (and opportunities) become available to the app development community, scalability is going to be the linchpin for enterprise deployments. Think of the value created if a municipality or energy company, for example, could deploy applications to hundreds of devices that reside at the outermost layer of an IT network.

IoT Evolution Expo 2016 Recap

IoT Evolution Expo invaded Las Vegas this week by taking over Caesars Palace. The conference focus was to be a premier source of information needed to help drive your enterprise forward with the latest in IoT applications. A few of the tracks found this year at IoT Evolution included IoT Security, Fog Computing and IoT Enterprise. Overall this expo gave attendees the chance to listen to various talks and panel discussions, as well as hands-on demos on the exhibitor floor, and evening networking nights with industry experts and peers. Here are some of the posts during the event: Diving into the IoT Evolution sessions, we learn the weakness of our smartphone. Godfrey Chua, analyst at Machina Research, informs us that the smartphone can be a very weak link in IoT and M2M communications when it is used as a remote control. And…IoT Evolution continued with more panel discussions. Yann Kulp, VP SmartSpace North America with Schneider Electric tells us that, the panel with GE, Amazon, US Celluar and Argus Insights offered intriguing updates with the use of Wiser Air in your home and other Wi-Fi IoT applications. FreeWave was fortunate to participate this year on both the Oil and Gas: Pirates and Protection, as well as the Brown Field Round Table: What to do when it’s too late to start again panel discussions. The Pirates and Protection panel give us all a chance to dive deeper into the critical industries and what IoT secure options area available for these remote locations. My second panel of the night with the Brown Field Round Table gave attendees to hear real world case study examples of Sensor-2-Server implementation challenges with blending older SCADA systems with the latest IoT solutions for continuous real-time results.  Time to see an IoT application at work! James Brehm & Associates tried their hand at capturing this IoT conference with virtual reality technology. A new solution from RICOH THETA. The 360 angle is best viewed prior to hitting up Margaritaville. Interesting to see the “Workspaces & IoT” concept discussed as well. Digital workspaces takes center stage at IoT Evolution as Global Workspace Analytics reports 3.7 million U.S. employees now work from home. Cynthia Artin with IoT Evolution informs us that,”while the IoT is arguably taking off faster in more industrial domains (factories, farms, transportation), and has the most “sizzle” in consumer domains (smart homes, smart cars, fitness wearables), there is new energy forming around IoT enhanced offices.” Now as this year’s IoT conference comes to a close, we remember all the ways IoT will change our enterprise and our life this year. One thing is clear, the more we innovate, the more we strive to become more efficient, automated and safety operated within fog computing and cloud applications. We hope you have enjoyed this week’s roundup, as always tells us about your IoT highs and lows.

IoT Top News: Fog Computing Influences Apps

This week BI Intelligence revealed the key benefits of fog computing along with a list of industries adapting this methodology. It is estimated that 5.6 billion IoT devices owned by enterprise and government will soon use fog computing for gathering and processing data. Let’s dive into some recent news from the past week and start by taking a closer look at the latest development in fog (edge or access layer) computing. Fog Computing in the IoT Forecasts industries and adoption benefits Edge or fog computing will become a priority as enterprise deals with the exploding amount of data waiting to be collected, sorted and processed. “The ‘Internet of Everything’ — all of the people and things connected to the internet — will generate 507.5 zettabytes (1 zettabyte = 1 trillion gigabytes) of data by 2019, according to Cisco.   A deeper dive into this week’s top news show us a few IoT applications ready to change our world, from farmer robots to drones reconstructing car crashes. Robots are coming to a farm near you The cost of adding robots to agriculture still remains high, yet these IoT machines are threating to shake up the farming community around the globe. Sara Olson, Lux Research Analyst recently reported that, “However, the costs of many systems are coming down, while wages rise due to labor shortages in some areas, and the benefits robots bring in the form of increased accuracy and precision will start to pay off in coming years.”   Drones expected to reconstruct car crashes The Justice Department has plans this week to start running tests gauging the ability of drones to accurately reconstruct car crashes. Jeramie Scott, director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center’s Domestic Surveillance Project suggests that, “There should be public, transparent policies spelling out specific use cases to “ensure law enforcement drones acquired for one purpose,” like crash scene reconstruction, “are not then used for secondary purposes that undermine privacy and civil liberties,” like mass surveillance of the public.”   We hope you have enjoyed this week’s short round up. Next time you see a smart device at work or around town, think about all the IoT sensors, Wi-Fi, automation and smart applications that come together to bring you state of the art technology experiences, and ask yourself “what will they think of next?”

Drone World: Applying IIoT Applications

“Drone World” may seem a bit overboard, but the fact is, drones are here to stay. We’ve spent time in these pages looking at unique and innovative drone applications in industries like utilities, precision agriculture, and even lifeguarding. Today, in honor of Memorial Day, we would like to take a moment and honor those men and women serving in the armed forces, by highlighting interesting government drone technology uses. Drones ‘Shot Into The Sky’ By The U.S. Navy The BBC News informs us how these innovative instant flight drones could be used as a method of defense for ships at sea suddenly burdened by a swarm of enemy drones. This project is known as LOCUST and it aims to launch a swarm of drones at high speed. Elizabeth Quintana from the military think tank Rusi believes that, “Drones could be used to take out enemy swarms at sea.” Drones That Can Sniff Out Radiation The Nevada National Security Site (NNSS) officials have recently purchased two drones to be a view from the sky in case of an emergency to sniff out and detect signs of radiation. It will be important to use these unmanned aerial systems (UAS) in situations that are to dangerous for humans. Other Applications of Drones Drones aren’t just for the government anymore, in fact we are already starting to see the industries below finding ways to improve safety, service and efficiency with the implementation of drones. Emergency Response Enables immediate action, providing emergency response teams with fast, flexible visibility to assess critical situations. Utilities Safely allows for the quick inspection of high voltage power lines and wind turbines, helping mitigate worker risk and improve monitoring. Military & Defense Assisting with intelligent surveillance and reconnaissance missions to deliver timely, relevant, and assured information to thwart potential threats. Oil & Gas Protects and helps maintain extensive miles of pipeline covering large, remote areas that would otherwise require enormous amounts of time and resources. Agriculture Creates more efficient farms by monitoring inventory, growth, water and fertilizer levels, and crop health to facilitate production and increase yields. Public Safety Supporting firefighting operations by providing more up-to-date information at a lower cost, while reducing the number of responders in harm’s way. We hope you have enjoyed our quick drone world recap, and as always tell us what we missed. The next time you see a drone flying in the sky, think about all the possibilities that drone or fleet of drones could be providing.

IoT Top News: M2M Propels Machines

Time and again, those keeping a pulse on the Internet of Things (IoT) space frequently hear about the “rise of the machines.” Humanity is not only discovering fascinating ways to integrate machines into our daily lives, but also finding new uses for machines as well. How? Machines are now “internet-connected” just like the smartphones we carry around in our pockets. And this isn’t just on the commercial side with the likes of smart thermostats or connected vehicles – even tractors and oil and gas machinery are industrial examples of where new “things” are now on the digital network. In fact, there are more M2M or “machine-to-machine” communication devices on this planet than humans. As GSMA Intelligence reported in 2014, there are 7.2bn M2M devices versus 7.19bn humans. Stuart Taylor from Cisco also wrote a prediction that “The Internet of Things (IoT) is a world where up to 50 billion things (or devices) will be connected to the Internet by 2020; or, the equivalent of 6 devices for every person on the planet.” Realizing the major role M2M devices continue to have in our connected world, specifically as it relates to the advent of machine learning, it’s only natural to highlight the impact of machines and M2M in the past, present and future. The Machines are Coming: How M2M Spawned the Internet of Things In the digital world, M2M wireless solutions will work for us quietly, in the background solving all our day-to-day needs. John Kennedy with Silicon Republic reports that, “M2M is at the heart of the industrial internet of things (IIoT), powering smart factories that can be run remotely from a tablet computer, and smart buildings that monitor their environment and feed data back to the cloud.”   Is Machine Learning Over Hyped? In the now 24-hour news cycle, often the top news lingers around lighter topics. So how much hype should be given to machine learning (ML)? The Huffington Post respondent Scott Aaronson, theoretical computer scientist at MIT, seems to think that “There’s no doubt in my mind that people 30 years from now will agree with us about the central importance of ML, but which aspects of ML will they rage at us for ignoring, or laugh at us for obsessing about when we shouldn’t have?   Machine Learning: Demystifying Linear Regression and Feature Selection Machine learning needs to integrate domain knowledge in order to improve the quality of data collected from analysts. Josh Lewis with Computerworld thinks that, “Business people need to demand more from machine learning so they can connect data scientists’ work to relevant action.”   Machine Learning Examples Crop up for Data Center Management Data centers appear to be the perfect place for enterprises to implement machine learning to its fullest. Christopher Yetman, COO at Vantage Data said, “There are also sensors that generate data about air pressure, humidity, temperature and supply voltage and typically feed into a programmable logic controller.”   M2M Technology Driving Agriculture’s Industrialization  On a global front, M2M is driving agriculture’s industrialization in South Africa. IT News Africa informs us that, “Given the ability to automate many monitoring and control functions through intelligent devices, agriculture is a prime target for leveraging M2M capabilities.”   We hope you have enjoyed this week’s roundup, and as M2M connections continue to pile-up, we urge you to consider the plethora of commercial and industrial use cases that can benefit from these innovations.

IoT Top News: Future is Now

The Internet of Things (IoT) is creeping into every aspect of our lives. With the advent of smart cities, smart manufacturing, precision agriculture, drones and digital energy, businesses and individuals alike have seen the influx of IoT technology. For example, a recent report from Gartner, “suggests that more than 26 billion devices will be connected to the internet by 2020, with 250,000 of them being vehicles.” So, with the billions of connected things, its only natural this week’s top news roundup would highlight how IoT is maturing and what experts see for the future ahead. Research Firm calls for Standardized IoT Deployments As the demand increases to make more smart cities, researchers warn of extra costsand fragmented delays if we don’t create overall IoT standards. Machina Research reports, “Using current non-standardized  technologies, it would cost 1.12 trillion dollars to get smart cities up and running by 2025. Were a standardized approach adopted, the total cost would be 781 billion dollars, a savings of 341 billion dollars worldwide.”   Is Automation the Key to Unlocking IoT Data? The best approach to implementation is a combination of data analytics with real-time automated wireless results Dave McCarthy senior director of products at Bsquare suggests that, “The goal of any IoT system should be to extract business value from device and sensor data.”   Three Ways to Leverage IIoT Some of best ways to leverage Industrial IoT is by learning to adapt machine learning(M2M), embedded sensors and an overall operational shift allowing the wireless technology to be implemented across the business. Scott Stone with Plant Engineering informs us that, “Accenture predicts that vendor-specific and proprietary infrastructure will be replaced over time with interoperable platforms. Harnessing the data through sensor-driven computing, industrial analytics and intelligent machine applications opens the door for innovation.”   Internet of Things Offers Vision of the Future IoT is not a new concept, it has actually been around for 30 to 40 years, yet the future of IoT will still be fueled by security and integration concerns as our need to be connected everywhere continues to grow. Basher Saajid with Liberty Voice reminds us that, “Forbes has reported the overall IoT potential to generate additional $10-$15 trillion for the world GDP by 2034.”   We hope you enjoyed this quick look at IoT top news, as always tell us about the stories you found of interest!

Robots Will Steal Your Future Paychecks

We’ve spent many words on this blog talking through new Industrial IoT technologies, hardware and software, and the way that the status quo has shifted to demand better connectivity, smarter infrastructure, and better access to real-time data across the spectrum. Where we haven’t spent much time is considering the economic impact these technologies will have on the average person. Without looking too far into the future, we can already see the impact of a more automated workforce. With that in mind, and on top of all our other daily worries, do we need to be worried about robots stealing our paychecks in the future? Eric Brynjolfsson, recently presented a TED Talk about this very topic, but unlike the sci-fi fear mongers, Eric had a different approach. Brynjolfsson suggests we stop trying to compete with machines and focus in on how they can complement our work-life. It’s true today it takes less people to get the job done. This shift to automation is forcing companies to rethink infrastructure and think more about speed, efficiency and overall time.  This isn’t the time to reinvent the wheel, it’s time to think about how that wheel can be tweaked to operate more smoothly and consistently over time. Now, before you let your imagination run wild of a robot powered world, that will be lucky to be apart of, take a moment and watch Brynjolfsson’s TED Talk. Not to worry there is still hope, you may not have to hand over your paychecks to tomorrow’s robots, just yet!

Top News: Manufacturing the Fate of Our Digital World

Top News Manufacturing

Manufacturing is in the midst reinventing itself on the heels of the latest IoT innovations. The industrial automation paradigm, which some say also gave rise to the lean manufacturing management philosophy, continues to influence organizations that wish to find new ways to capitalize on business opportunities in the digital age. Through that lens we gathered the top articles from the week and found some interesting perspectives. Some reports started suggesting manufacturing is in a time of trouble, both in the U.S. and around the globe, namely in places like China. But upon further investigation, we also find exciting trends that are shaping the evolution of manufacturing. We hope you enjoy this week’s roundup, and be sure to comment on your top articles of the week below! Chinese manufacturing fall adds to evidence of sharp global downturn (The Guardian) As the world watches Chinese manufacturing slow, many believe this is evidence of a major global downturn. The Guardian reminds us all that, “In another sign that manufacturers are braced for a long period of chasing business from a diminishing number of customers, they continued to lower their prices in February.”   American Manufacturing in Peril (U.S. News) Gone are the golden days of domestic manufacturing, analysts now believe American manufacturing is in serious trouble. Andrew Soergel with U.S. News suggests that part of the problem for manufacturing is that, “The job market has changed. The generation has changed. The skill requirements to work in factories have changed.”   The Manufacturing Side of CPG’s Digital Disruption (Automation World) In this era of digital disruption, consumer buying behavior will impact manufacturing practices. According to Stephanie Neil with Automation World, she thinks manufacturing could benefit from, “The use of standardized, reusable software modules simplifies configuration of robotic movements and integration with machine control functions. This allows machine builders to focus on increasing machine performance, added functionality, and equipment energy efficiency.” Despite all this talk about downturn and disruption in the manufacturing industry, there are some positive trends we should mention as well.   Top 10: Manufacturing Trends of 2015 (Manufacturing Global) IoT, nanotechnology, SMAC Stack and greater visibility were all key manufacturing trends last year.  According to Manufacturing Global’s trends, “Additive manufacturing, or 3d printing, is big news in the manufacturing sector. The new technology has captured the imagination of the general public and manufacturing executives alike, however it has also proven to be a game-changer for the industry.”   3-D Printing Poised to Shake up US Manufacturing (New York Post) In the last year 3-D printing has shown up in the medicine cabinet, operating rooms and even New York Fashion week. U.S. Manufacturing is getting a serious shake up with the launch of more 3-D printers. Catherine Curan with New York Post states that, “The 3-D printing boom isn’t big enough to single-handedly revive local manufacturing, but it will help.”  

Sensor-2-Server: Benefits & Security for IIoT Communications

*This is part of a series of blogs examining Sensor-2-Server (S2S) communications, development, security and implementation. For the past two weeks, we’ve taken an in-depth look at what Sensor-2-Server communications are, how to implement these systems, and some of the specific aspects of communication that these systems facilitate. This week, for our final installment, we’ll examine some of the benefits, as well as security considerations, for S2S communications. Benefits of Sensor-2-Server Communications From a technology partnership perspective, Big Data vendors face the challenge of comparing data in motion versus data at rest. If the data has already moved through a SCADA system and has been aggregated, changed, stalled, or is not quite granular enough, it can be difficult to deliver high-value predictive analytics. The concept of predictive analytics is that an operator can make an accurate estimate that certain things can happen during operations. However, the operator needs to determine what the drivers are for the predicted actions to happen and must look at active data to determine if this is, in fact, happening. Without insight into the active data in motion, they are lacking an essential piece of the predictive analytics. This ability to compare data in motion at the access layer could benefit Big Data vendors when it comes to predictive analytics because it allows them to give higher value to their customers, which drives additional revenue. With S2S technology, they can deploy a tiered application infrastructure that allows data to intelligently move from one point to another. S2S also enables operators to go beyond a legacy SCADA data network. To operate a SCADA network, it requires a lot of institutional knowledge to truly understand, manage and work within the environment. S2S expands beyond moving the data into SCADA systems and allows operators to leverage more advanced technology, like predictive analytics. Essentially, S2S communications provide the opportunity to take advantage of new advanced tools, but the operator doesn’t necessarily have to sacrifice the institutional knowledge built into the SCADA data systems. As new generations enter the workforce, it’s likely that there will be a shift and some of that institutional knowledge will be replaced with technology that will allow operators to do more than they ever could before. The addition of new technology and IoT networks is where operators are starting to see the functional lines blur between the IT and production groups. As more technology is leveraged, these two disparate groups will have to work together more often. There is now a drive for a more holistic picture of what is going on in IT, what is going on in the field, and whether the technology used will be compatible with future needs. SCADA will likely always have value for industrial communications but, going forward, there will be an increase in the use other technologies as well. Additionally, with more technology physically in the field, there is always going to be a focus on data security. Security Sensors at the access layer present interesting security challenges. For example, consider a data concentrator sitting on an oil pad that is collecting data. This device is collecting data from a number of sensors and has data logging capabilities, which also means the other devices sitting at the remote site contain historical data. Technology providers need to insure that the technology used is taking advantage of all the security features that are available to make sure their data is protected through a variety of means including encryption, authentication, virus and intrusion protection, and by being physically tamperproof. With the growing interest in IIoT, the system is providing a communication path with highly valuable information. These sensors may be running an application on the edge of the network, and many of these devices are using IP. When there are Ethernet and IP devices going out to edge devices in the field, each one of those devices has the potential to become a threat to the entire corporate network if they’re not secure. Operators in IIoT environments need to be concerned with everything that could be introduced to the network at every single connection point. Data protection data is a fundamental and extremely important element in determining the effectiveness of S2S communication. Technology vendors must be mindful of security in every step of the design and installation process, and operators must require security features that will protect their data and networks. In addition to data security, the threat to physical infrastructures in very remote locations is driving the need for new security solutions such as intelligent video surveillance designed to maximize security and minimize cost. S2S solutions need to be physically capable of delivering the bandwidth to enable these new solutions. Where Do We Go From Here? Industrial communication is changing in the sense that IIoT enables the possibility for every device in a network to be connected – including those in the outer access layer. This has created a convergence of OT and IT operations in many instances or – at the very least – has brought the two departments to a closer working capacity. IoT and technology at the access layer enable the option for Sensor-2-Server, a form of intelligent communications that can move the sensor data to a specific server for detailed analysis. New data and technology are allowing operators to do things they’ve never done before, such as predictive analytics. As this shift continues, SCADA is not becoming an obsolete technology; rather it will become a piece in the bigger technology picture. Any operator choosing S2S technology, or any technology for that matter, must carefully consider the options and keep security as a top priority.

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