Robotics & IoT Merging Together

The Internet of Things (IoT) has made its appearance in a substantial number of industries, most recently manifesting itself in the the realm of robotics. IoT technologies and standards open the door for new robotic capabilities that are powered by cloud computing, communication with other robotic systems and sensor input from the environment around them.  Recent research has pointed to a new opportunity for robotics to operate beyond the scope of what was possible just a few years ago. As we look at a future of data and connectivity at every end point – from our cars, to our homes, to our businesses – it’s clear that we’ve just begun to scrape the surface of what is possible with the rapid expansion of IoT throughout the world. In a recent report, ABI research coined the, “Internet of Robotic Things (IoRT),” defining the concept, “where intelligent devices can monitor events, fuse sensor data from a variety of sources, use local and distributed ‘intelligence’ to determine a best course of action, and then act to control or manipulate objects in the physical world, and in some cases while physically moving through that world.”  The research certainly backs recent claims that robotics are going to leave a significant mark on the IoT industry. Take a look at the key statistics that Forbes recently reported on Robotics: 4% of developers are building robotics apps today. 45% of developers say that Internet of Things (IoT) development is critical to their overall digital strategy. 4% of all developers are building apps in the cloud today. RF Technology in the IoRT World As the entire technology landscape changes it is more important than ever for RF technology to adapt in order to meet new industry demands. Manufacturers in the hardened, wireless communication industry have taken note and set their eyes on all things IoT by developing Sensor-to-Server (S2S) communication solutions. Some of these wireless IoT communication solutions providers are offering platforms to host third-party applications in addition to creating the communication links for devices. This is an entirely new class of wireless IoT communication solutions that has the staying power needed in the midst of technology evolution. Robotic IoT Future Some companies using wireless S2S solutions, have already begun to incorporate IoRT into their networks. Real-life use case examples of robotics for IoT networks that are in the works today include: Semi-autonomous robotic geophysical surveying platforms for detection of unexploded ordnance. With an S2S communication solution, this use case will provide real time kinematic base station GPS corrections and combined geophysical data to a mobile command and control vehicle for concurrent advanced data processing by rear support group linked by MiFi or Satellite communications. A ‘ship-to-shore’ link for an ocean going wave-powered autonomous robot. As robotics systems adapt to the new technology landscape, they will increasingly integrate with IoT networks. With these new advanced robotics capabilities, businesses will see new opportunities for automation and efficiency to further advance operations and will be able to leverage this new technology for competitive advantage.

Industrial IoT Weekly Highlights

It’s time for another edition of Industrial IoT (IIoT) weekly highlights! Robots seem to be taking over this round of updates – by air, land and sea. Don’t fret, we haven’t stepped into a Sci-Fi movie just yet. Aside from machines, we gathered the latest information about fog computing, and why this trending concept is needed in the enterprise. The possibilities for machine innovation spurs thinking that we are just scratching the surface of digital transformation. What will people think of next? Sit back, relax and get ready to enjoy another round of weekly IIoT highlights! Weekly Highlights Breakdown What Is Fog Computing? And Why It Matters In Our Big Data And IoT World By @BernardMarr | Published on @Forbes “Fog computing, also sometimes called edge computing, solves the problem by keeping data closer “to the ground,” so to speak, in local computers and devices, rather than routing everything through a central data center in the cloud.” Farm 2026: The Robots Are Coming By @hiyamckidd | Published on @FGInsight “Lettuce thinning is still done manually at lower cost, but robots are likely to reach break even with human labour within 12 years.”   Digital Technology to Transform Oil, Gas Hiring Practices By @KarenBoman | Published on @Rigzone “When oil and gas companies start hiring again, they will need to prepare for a workforce of college graduates who want to work off a cell phone or tablet.”   Manufacturers Struggle to Woo Software Developers By @AndrewTangel | Published on @WSJ “Nearly every industry is looking to hire software engineers and developers. But the manufacturing sector is having particular trouble attracting potential recruits.”   The 10 Coolest Drones at the Worlds Biggest Robot War Games By @David_Hambling | Published on @PopMech “Unmanned Warrior is the world’s biggest robot war game, currently taking place for two weeks off the coast of Scotland. It was proposed by First Sea Lord Admiral George Zambellas to give airborne, surface, and underwater drones from various suppliers a chance to show off their prowess. Unmanned Warrior is part of Joint Warrior, an exercise involving 30 warships and submarines from 18 nations. But for the newly inaugurated robot portion, the U.S. is a strong presence, with teams from the Office of Naval Research (ONR).”   As we conclude our Industrial IoT weekly highlights, we hope you were entertained and enlightened. Technology continues to change at a fast pace, let’s find common ground with our robotic pals. Tune in next time for more IoT innovation!

Industrial Communications and Security Go Way Back

Industrial communications and security have a long standing history. In 2016, industrial network operators can collect more data from geographically dispersed field assets than ever before. As we head towards fully connected systems through the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), communication technology manufacturers continue innovating and creating enhanced solutions that will meet the Big Data demands of today and the future.  Data has become one of the most valuable assets an organization can own.  It can help operators improve operational decisions, save manpower and improve employee safety by keeping them out of dangerous environments. Industrial Communications  Industrial communications networks have more access points than ever before and we will continue to see more IIoT devices in service as connectivity improves in challenging environments. The IP-based technology incorporated into Industrial IoT communiations make it easier to deploy and talk to sensors, but it also makes it easier for intruders to see and snoop on valuable data streams. Anytime we talk about the collection and transfer of large amounts of critical data, security becomes an important part of the conversation.  If you’re a manufacturer, you are probably nodding your head in agreement or maybe even thinking that is an obvious statement.  However, based on the major cyber-attacks that have occurred in industrial networks over the past decade it is clear that a security focus from design to deployment isn’t always the case. Take a look at this infographic, “A History of IIoT Cyber Attacks and the Future of Security,” to see just how many huge scale cyber-attacks have impacted a variety of industries. While the infographic offers insight into major IIoT security breaches we’ve seen in the past decade or so, it does not provide the entire picture of industrial communication technology history and security practices. It does not highlight the fact that industrial operations networks have been using communication devices for decades and many industrial systems have been “online” since well before 2007. In fact, wireless machine-to-machine (M2M) communication solutions have owned the command and control of field assets for decades. Looking Closer at Solutions Top-tier industrial communication solution manufacturers have been leveraging security to prevent cyber-attacks and vulnerabilities on data long before the first major breach identified in the infographic. For years, these manufacturers have used a variety of techniques beyond physically securing the devices, including frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) based devices with security standards like TLS/SSL and basic AES-128 data encryption. Some communication technology providers created solutions that are trusted by the US military for secure mission critical data transmission and have been used for more than 20 years. If one thing is clear in the efforts to protect data over time, it is that a critical infrastructure project is only as reliable and secure as the technology serving it. Security will ultimately be the limiting factor on how much IIoT technology is deployed.  A modern operator striving for an IIoT network must look at SCADA security, the convergence of Operations Technology (OT) and Information Technology (IT), and make a thorough assessment of what will allow them to achieve a secure data communications network and where they want to be in this triangle.  As the industry has evolved, so have the security practices. But what hasn’t changed is that an operator looking to build an IIoT network must carefully select their technology and look for the solutions that are focused on security.

IoT Evolution Podcast Recap: Edge Computing Future

Edge computing has become a topic of hot conversation as the technology capable of supporting sensor-2-server data transport has matured. The realization of true edge computing is accompanied by a host of benefits, including real-time data transmission, maintenance needs and considerable savings for operational expenses. Is edge computing the cut-and-dry future? Ken Briodagh, editorial director with IoT Evolution, plays devil’s advocate on a recent podcast with FreeWave Technologies CMO Scott Allen. He asks, essentially, “If companies focus resources on the real-time data transport at the edge – sending small packages of data at a time in the interest of speed – are we losing the benefits of big data? Do we lose the information that big data sets can provide in terms of predictive analytics and, ultimately, machine learning if we discard bits and pieces of data at the edge that we’ve deemed irrelevant?” Listen to the podcast below for Allen’s response! Overall, edge computing has three main drivers: latency–our need to have the data in milliseconds; loss of communication–able to solve the factory problem without shutting down the entire plant; proximity–sensors in the field monitor the data back to the edge. Edge Computing Solution Depending on the industry, a mixed bag of both programmable and edge computing solutions is an answer to Briodagh’s question. In some cases, especially with the oil and gas industry, companies rely on a sensor-2-server stream of communication, where they need to have the information in real-time, and if there is a problem, be able to act locally and fix the issue before anything drastic happens. The network is a combination of radios communicating with sensors that pass the data to a gateway and up to a cloud system. The network uses only small data sets to transmit a continuous flow of intelligent, sensor-based information, optimizing bandwidth in situations where latency is crucial. Next for the Edge There will come a time when using edge technology will just become a regular line item expense needed to do business in this modern age. Some early adopters have already started using gateway systems as a cookie cutter roll-out for all future expansions. Many worry the cost of entry is still too high to integrate, even though the need for transmission is great. As our digital age grows, infrastructure complexity and the desire to implement the latest technology grow along with it. Altogether, edge computing is still in its infancy stage, so no one really knows what data  we deem irrelevant today will be vital tomorrow.

Securing Assets with Outdoor Wi-Fi

The video surveillance market is anticipated to grow to $42B by 2019. Many industries today are using video monitoring as part of their physical security efforts to protect assets.  As the Internet of Things (IoT) is increasingly adopted by more industries, careful consideration must be made when leveraging Sensor-to-Server (S2S) solutions for video-based security applications.  From a technology perspective, IoT is beneficial for video security because it enables more data collection to drive intelligent business and security decisions that will better protect assets. However, with more sensors and devices connected to an IT network comes increased exposure for cyberattacks. It was inevitable that IoT would cross over into the physical security space, but the idea of security devices connected into an IoT network is concerning to many security professionals. In 2015, HP reported that up to 70 percent of IoT devices are vulnerable to cyberattacks. Any intelligent communication that is leveraged in an IoT environment must be designed with security in mind and have the ability to protect the network against cyber-attacks. Without ample security in the environment, companies risk severe consequences such as compromised data or denial of service. Outdoor Assets Protected Some outdoor shorthaul, Wi-Fi-based S2S networks are now designed to securely monitor and transmit voice, video, data and sensor (VVDS) information for asset monitoring and control. Additionally, any industry looking for an outdoor network robust enough to provide Wi-Fi connectivity may also benefit from these outdoor Wi-Fi solutions. From emergency communications to municipalities, industrial networks to golf courses or campgrounds, and more, there are numerous use cases where Wi-Fi is beneficial for connectivity and also for high-speed shorthaul communications needed to enable VVDS data. In IoT environments there are sensors on every single asset, constantly pulling data, so they need to make sure that security features are part of the technology’s design. For the operator seeking outdoor Wi-Fi to connect physical security devices and enable video monitoring, it is important to be familiar with the technology they are selecting. The Wi-Fi networks best suited for outdoor environments will have a rugged design with proven reliability in extreme environmental conditions. When the right security measures are in place, these solutions can ensure that data is protected through a variety of means including encryption, authentication, virus and intrusion protection, and by being physically tamperproof. Although robust, outdoor Wi-Fi can provide the connectivity needed for VVDS applications, but it needs to be able to withstand and prevent cyber security attacks. When the right technology is selected and enabled, asset protection can be enhanced through video. How are you protecting your assets?

Women in Tech: Hedy Lamarr

It was back in 1941 when Hedy Lamarr, an Austria born actress, together with George Antheil co-patented a “secret communication system” which allowed radio control of torpedoes that could not be easily discovered, deciphered or jammed. Her secret: frequency hopping! Coordinated, rapid changes in radio frequencies would literally “hop” in the radio spectrum, thus evading detection and the potential of interference, in other words, being suppressed or jammed. Even though her idea was ahead of its time and not implemented in the U.S. until 1962, when it was used by U.S. military ships during a blockade of Cuba (after the patent had expired), it is now the basis for modern Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) wireless communication systems. FHSS wireless systems are very resilient when it comes to impairments such as interference (deliberate or coincidental) and “jamming.” Other effects can be observed when wireless signals travel through space, such as the “multipath” phenomenon, simply because they use only very small amounts of radio spectrum at a time and don’t dwell (or remain) at that frequency long, instead “hop” to another frequency quickly. Statistically, chances are that the signal does not “land” at the interfering frequency, thereby successfully evading the jamming signal. This makes Denial of Service (DoS) attacks on FHSS systems very difficult, albeit not completely impossible. Information Pioneers – Hedy Lamarr Edition As part of BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT video series, Miranda Raison presents Hedy Lamarr for the “Information Pioneers” series and dives deeper into the history behind one of wireless communication’s leading ladies who, together with George Antheil, pioneered the beginning of a communication revolution. Hedy Lamarr would’ve been 101 years old this November.

IoT is for Automotive

The Internet of Things (IoT) has made an appearance in just about every industry (including automotive) that uses automation and has opened the door for the automation of pretty much anything and everything. Today, there are more devices than people and by 2020 there is expected to be 26 Billion – 50 Billion internet connected devices being used throughout the world. If one thing is true – and if the staggering stats above are any indication – we’re headed towards a fully connected world at a very high speed. Think about everything we can do now that wasn’t possible just a few years ago. We can lock our doors and shut off the thermostat from an app on our phone. At the push of a button, we can buy laundry detergent and have it shipped to our home. Industries with geographically dispersed and remotely located assets can cost-effectively add sensors and smart devices to every single network endpoint – to automate systems and drive intelligent business decisions locally and from afar. Racetracks are the next place IoT is surfacing, while automobiles with infotainment systems (connected by the IoT) continue to fill the streets. Autonomous Automobiles In the tech world, you’ve probably seen industry buzz and research data that verifies the reality of autonomous (or at least semi-autonomous) vehicles commonly traveling our roads in the near future. In fact, a few of the most innovative car manufacturers have already released vehicles with some autonomous features. If anything is for sure it is that the driverless car is much more than a fantasy today– there are people working to develop these vehicles right now. In the meantime, IoT has already begun to leave its mark on the automotive industry. So, what are some real life examples of unique ways that IoT communication solutions are being used in the automotive industry today? The Racing Industry The auto racing industry can automate many systems and processes for drivers and also generate data to support real-time decision making with IoT communication solutions. In one use case, IoT technology enables video data and high speed connections through a point-to-point system. With the data made available to drivers, they are able to adjust their racing strategy in real-time and make smarter decisions that decrease risk and save time. Electronic Car Testing For one electronic car manufacturer, IoT communication solutions are being used for engine testing and maintenance by using real time kinematics (RTK) base station communications to improve data and correlation. What Helps Drive the IoT for Automotive? Sensor-to-Server (S2S) communications have emerged as an essential solution for IoT networks in a variety of industries from industrial settings like oil and gas, to environmental monitoring, to the automotive industry. S2S solutions that are designed specifically for industrial-grade IoT networks, offer high speeds and extended distance connectivity via RF technology that can also support third-party applications. These solutions meet the demanding needs for collecting, protecting, transporting and controlling data from network end points all the way back to the server. As the world around us becomes more connected on a daily basis, we’ll continue to see new innovations released in many different marketplaces. In the automotive industry, IoT is leading to the inevitable release of autonomous vehicles. We can expect to see S2S communications play an increasingly important role for auto manufacturers looking to improve innovation and connect the network devices that were previously not connected.

IoT Weekly Roundup

The IoT weekly roundup is designed to share the latest and most interesting news from the past week. As the industrial and consumer IoT space continues to heat up, we decided to uncover some very unique IoT applications that many didn’t even know existed. As the connected world continues to advance in the emerging digital age, virtually every facet of our lives is now being impacted by the IoT. In this week’s addition of IoT weekly roundup, we explore M2M, sensors, automation, drones and IoT language. Dive in and enjoy this week’s highlights! Weekly Roundup of News How M2M and IoT enable new data-intensive applications By @dhdeans | Published on @TTech_News “During the last couple of years, machine-to-machine (M2M) technology has become an integral part of the services offered by global telecom providers and a significant revenue stream for M2M app specialists. They’ve developed comprehensive offerings, designed to reduce costs and increase efficiency.”   Sonar Mapping Sensors Help Understand Where Life Can be Found Underwater By Brooks Hays | Published on @UPI “New maps charted using sonar sensors have revealed the importance of ‘marine snow’ to the distribution of biomass on the ocean floor. Until now, mapping the ocean floor’s terrain, as well as distribution of marine snow and biomass, has proven difficult.”   Rail and Production Technology Parallels When it Comes to Automation By @DJGreenfield | Published on @automationworld “Explaining the IoT trend in rail, Weatherburn said that IoT is increasing interest in greater connectivity for operations optimization reasons. It’s also driving a move away from proprietary protocols and toward greater use of standard Ethernet. He noted that this is particularly true in rail when it comes to the delivery of communications and entertainment for the railway customer, pointing out that the rail industry is looking to carry both sets of data over standard Ethernet.”   Indie Sci-fi Film Shot Entirely by Autonomous Drones By @trentlmoore | Published on @blastr “Drone cameras are being used in just about everything nowadays, from sports coverage to emergency response, but what happens when you shoot a movie entirely from the sky?” The connected IoT is spawning a new vocabulary By @pmcfedries | Published on @IEEESpectrum “A big chunk of the Internet of Things consists of wireless transceivers combined with sensors, which can reside in appliances, devices, clothes, machinery, buildings—just about anything physical. Of course, the phrase ‘wireless transceiver combined with sensors’ is unwieldy, so such a node of the IoT is called a mote (short for remote).”   As we conclude our IoT weekly roundup, we hope you enjoyed learning about all the new applications and insights related to the powerful force of the Internet and connected technologies. Now go out and see what other IoT applications you can uncover!

Outdoor Wi-Fi Solution in Your Future?

Is an outdoor Wi-Fi solution in your future? Modern Sensor-to-Server (S2S) communication networks call for high-speed solutions that support massive amounts of data collection, control and transport. Today, industrial organizations are experiencing high demand for voice, video, data and sensor (VVDS) information in wireless outdoor networks. The challenge is finding Wi-Fi networks that can ensure connectivity in outdoor environments that are often volatile and unpredictable. The good news — robust, secure outdoor Wi-Fi hotspot platforms designed for shorthaul communications enable a variety of data collection options that can withstand the harshest outside elements. Reputable outdoor Wi-Fi networks can leverage multiple networking protocols and services. They are designed to meet the needs of enterprise-scale communications across a wide range of critical infrastructure industries like oil and gas, utilities, mining, municipalities, perimeter security, disaster recovery, and outdoor recreation. Keep in mind this is just snapshot of the industries that can benefit from Wi-Fi – there are numerous applications in just about any outdoor Internet of Things (IoT) network. Outdoor Wi-Fi | Real-life Scenario Recently, an electric power company based out of North Carolina needed to transition the Direct Load Control (DLC) switches for its residential load management program. The transition affected 275 air conditioning (AC) units across two rooftops at a residential senior living community. WavePro (WP201) shorthaul point-to-point and Wi-Fi platform units were used to enable the transition. In this instance, Wi-Fi was leveraged to increase the Load Management System’s (LMS) effectiveness by creating two-way communications to switch monitoring and control, instead of the previous one-way paging system that was in place. A local internet service provided communications from the LMS to a rooftop Internet Point of Presence (PoP). Additional solutions, including Wi-Fi enabled controllers and Wi-Fi access points (four WavePro Units) were selected for the installation.  The WavePro units were configured to solve three communication requirements in the Wi-Fi network: wireless communications between the controllers and a WP201; wireless communications between the four WP201s on the two rooftops; and communication between one WP201 and the single Internet PoP. The completed Wi-Fi solution enabled real-time communication between the LMS and each of the HVAC controllers on the two residential towers. The energy company can now effectively manage and confirm power curtailment events in real time. Win a WavePro Network You have a chance to win your own WavePro high-speed outdoor Wi-Fi network. Simply provide your application needs and tell us why you should win. Move fast —the contest ends this Friday, September 30. WavePro Features: IP67 rating to withstand extreme environmental conditions Advanced dual-band 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz capabilities that can cut through noise and congestion with band steering Self-discovery and self-healing mesh networking guarantee reliability Up to 1.3 Gbps broadband speeds deliver real-time Voice, Video, Data and Sensor links (VVDS™) Enter now:

JavaOne 2016 Recap

JavaOne had the pleasure of taking San Francisco by storm. The 2016 conference left little to be desired, with more than 450 java-focused demos, labs and sessions with peer experts, plus time to network with this high-tech crowd. This year aimed its attention at young coders, enterprise, developers and the tools they need to keep innovation alive. If by chance you weren’t part of the masses that migrated to San Francisco, this week’s recap is dedicated to JavaOne highlights. So sit back, relax and enjoy this week’s recap. Opening Keynote Hints At Ambitious Changes In Next Version Of Java By @Oracle | Published on @Forbes “A common theme in the keynote was the promised modularization feature, Project Jigsaw—which enables Java programs to ship and run with much smaller footprints, thereby using fewer system resources.”   Java EE moves forward once again By Alex Handy | Published on @SDTimes “The state of innovation in Java EE was so in question that, earlier this summer, the Java Guardians were formed to champion the platform and demand that it be pushed forward. At JavaOne today, Oracle finally detailed its plans to address the neglected enterprise Java platform. Alongside that road map came new information on the in-development Java SE 9 and OpenJDK 9.”   Audience Gets a Glimpse of the Power of JShell By @mon_beck | Published on @InfoQ “During his JavaOne 2016 keynote, Mark Reinhold, Chief architect of the Java platform group pointed out that Java 9 is much bigger than Jigsaw as can be seen in the 85 JEPs targeted for Java 9. I would like to discuss one new Java feature he highlighted, JEP 222, the Java shell (also known as JShell.) With JShell, Java 9 will enable developers to use Read-Eval-Print loop (REPL) which is an interactive tool that evaluates user input and prints the output either as a value or a state change.”   A boost for cloud app developers By Admire Moyo | Published on @ITWeb “Oracle says by giving developers a choice of programming languages, databases, compute types, operating systems and virtual machines, integrated development environments and tools, the company provides developers with the choice and flexibility needed to build modern applications in the cloud.”   Top Tweets During the Event! Women in tech are taking over Posted by @java Times are changing as women in tech fill up the next JavaOne panel discussion. Talking code, programming and technical specifics is no longer a man’s world. Don’t forget your Star Wars costumes! Posted by @hendrikEbbers JavaOne asked us to reach for our inner Star Wars fan, by giving away Star Wars stickers to the first 50 people that dressed up in their best Star Wars gear. We are still looking for the proof. If you did dress up, please share your pictures with us! ReadWrite Meets FreeWave! Posted by @citizencaen The excitement around JavaOne was palpable! We were thrilled to finally meet the Chris Caen from ReadWrite as we caught him up on the new partnership announcements with Teachneaux and Resilio. We also had the pleasure of showcasing our latest ZumLink IIoT Programmable Radio at JavaOne, as pictured below. Chistorpher Caen with ReadWrite caught up wtih Michelle Marceny at FreeWave Technologies. Caen found out that, “When FreeWave says their devices have 2.8 million combat hours, they really mean combat hours.” JavaOne Entertains in Style!  Each night was filled with social networking, good food and drinks. Wednesday night they pulled out all the stops grabbing the attention of both young and old by having performances by both Sting and Gwen Stefani. Lots of fun!  

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